William Draper Harkins

William Draper Harkins

William Draper Harkins (December 28, 1873 – March 7, 1951) was an U.S. chemist, notably for his contributions to nuclear chemistry. Harkins researched the structure of the atomic nucleus. His findings enabled, among other things, the development of the H-bomb.

Harkins was born in Titusville, Pennsylvania.

Harkins graduated with a PhD from Stanford University in 1908, and subsequently read chemistry at the University of Montana.

Harper correctly predicted the existence of the neutron in 1920, which was then discovered in an experiment by James Chadwick in 1932. In the beginning of the 1930s, Harkins, together with Martin Kamen, build a cyclotron. From experiments with this, he concluded that the sun might be powered by nuclear fusion.

Among his students was Robert James Moon, Jr. (1911-1989).

Harkins died in Chicago. He is buried at Oak Woods Cemetery.

NAME=Harkins, William Draper
DATE OF BIRTH=December 28, 1873
PLACE OF BIRTH=Titusville, Pennsylvania
DATE OF DEATH=March 7, 1951

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