

Infobox Brewery
name = Barbar

caption = The Barbar Brand Logo
location = Belgium
owner =
opened =
production =
active_beers = brewbox_beer|name=Barbar|style= brewbox_beer|name=Barbar Winter Bok|style=
seasonal_beers =
other_beers =
:"For the children's cartoon character see Babar the Elephant".Barbar is a Belgian beer brand. It's unique for its honey based flavor. The honey is used with the malted wheat and the hops in the fermentation process yielding a sweeter and richer flavored beer.

Being a honey based ale it might be that Barbar is based on the old Viking alcoholic beverage called Mid. Although the recipe for this beer is a closely kept secret of Lefebvre, and the origins of this beverage, as stated by Lefebvre, are from an old family recipe. Originating from a Viking beverage may also be the reason for calling this brand "Barbar" (like barbarian) and putting a barbarian drawing as a logo.

Brews of Lefebvre Brewery, Belgium

* Barbãr (8% ABV) - A light blond beer lightly seasoned with honey. Served around 5°C.

* Barbãr Winter Brassin (8% ABV) - A dark more strong tasted beer with 2.5% of honey. Heavier than the standard Barbãr, thus more suiting for the winter time (hence the name). Served around 5°C.

* Belgian Framboises (3.5% ABV) - Raspberries infused. Served between 2°C and 4°C.

* Belgian Kriek (3.5% ABV) - Cherry infused beer. Always served chilled, between 2°C and 4°C.

* Belgian Pêches (3.5% ABV) - Beer with peach juice. Served between 2°C and 4°C.

* Blanche de Bruxelles (4.5% ABV) - Spiced beer with coriander and orange peels. Served between 3°C and 6°C.

* Floreffe:
** [ Floreffe Blonde]
** [ Floreffe Double]
** [ Floreffe Triple]
** [ Floreffe Prima Melior]
** [ Floreffe Blanche]

* Moeder Overste (8% ABV) - Moeder Overste (Mother Superior), a beer from Flemish origin with strong character, is certainly one of the best beers of Brasserie Lefebvre. Served to taste, between 5°C and 10°C.

* Newton (3.5% ABV) - Apple infused beer. Served between 3°C and 5°C.

* Saison 1900 (3.5% ABV) - Semi-sweet amber. Served between 4°C and 6°C.

erving and Drinking

The serving and drinking of Belgian beers is ritualized to a greater extent than it is in most other countries. The key element of this ritual is the use of a specific, often branded glass. In Belgium almost every type of beer is served in its own type of branded glass.

Although a brand name on a glass will not impart any difference to the taste or texture of the beer, the shape may have an influence. "Chalice" shaped glasses are seen as better suited for strong, richly flavored ales such as abbey beers than a conventional straight shaped glass used for lagers and light ales.

External links

* [ Barbar on Lefebvre's Web Site]
* [ Barbar Winter Bok on Lefebvre's Web Site]
* [ Lefebvre's Web Site]

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