Dunlop KT-26

Dunlop KT-26
Dunlop KT26 - Right model shown

The Dunlop KT-26 is a running shoe made by Dunlop Sport (Australia).

The KT-26 was developed in 1976 by Jerry Stuberfield in Portland, Oregon, USA. Stuberfield , an Athletics coach, came up with the principle of Kinetic Action and developed the unique lugged sole to apply this principle to a modern running shoe.

The design of the shoe has remained unchanged since creation aside from a change from semi-translucent yellow sole surface to solid black. Dunlop was so impressed with the shoe that they took up the sole rights to market the shoe in Australia. Over five million pairs of the KT-26 have been sold since.

The KT-26 has become a standard clothing issue item for many Australian factory workers. At one point the Australian Occupational Health & Safety Department realised that there were thousands of factory workers wearing these shoes without steel safety toe caps. Although uncommon for such a light shoe to feature a steel cap, Dunlop was quick to solve the problem by creating a ‘safety’ version with a steel toe cap.

Dunlop KT-26's have become ubiquitous fashion items within rugged countries such as Papua New Guinea, where they are prized for their low cost, sturdy construction and superior tread pattern.[citation needed] The shoe's tread pattern is particularly useful in muddy conditions, which has helped it to become the footwear of choice for competitors in the Kokoda Challenge, a race over the length of the Kokoda Track.[citation needed]

Kinetic Action

Kinetic action means that the shock waves are taken sideways and very little up the back of the leg making the shoe extremely comfortable for running and walking. The sole is designed so that when running or walking the impact and stress of the movement is directed away from the foot in an even distribution this improves not only the comfort of the person wearing the shoe, but their overall stability, support and control. Many podiatrists and chiropodists have recommended the KT-26 to help overcome foot problems.


KT is short for Kinetic, and 26 represents the number of miles in the famous race, the marathon.

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