Jean Pierre Cherid

Jean Pierre Cherid

Jean Pierre Cherid (died on March 19, 1984 in Biarritz, France [ [ 36 etarras muertos por sus propias bombas] , "El Mundo" es icon ] ) was a far right French activist, who first became a member of the OAS during the Algerian War (1954-1962), and then belonged to the Spanish GAL death squad (he had already been a key figure of the "Batallón Vasco Español", BVE death squad [ [ Spain's Dirty War Against Basque Militants] , in "Euskal Herria Journal", en icon ] ). A former French paratrooper, he took part in the 1978 assassination of Argala, an "etarra" who had participated to the 1973 assassination of Franco's Prime minister Luis Carrero Blanco. Cherid died in 1984 in an explosion which happened during the manipulation of explosives destined to attempt to assassinate the ETA's executive committee. [ «Yo maté al asesino de Carrero Blanco»] , "El Mundo", December 21, 2003 es icon ( [ English account of "El Mundo" article] ] . Jean Pierre Cherid was also present during the 1976 Montejurra massacre against left-wing Carlists [ [ MONTEJURRA:LA OPERACIÓN RECONQUISTA Y EL ACTA FUNDACIONAL DE LAS TRAMAS ANTITERRORISTAS] es icon ] . Former Spanish Interior Minister José Barrionuevo (condemned for his implication in the GAL) ordered that Cherid's widow receive a life pension [ [ Un senador de IU dice que Barionuevo pagó la pensión a la viuda del gal Cherid] , "El País", January 27, 1996 es icon ] .


See also

*French "Organisation de l'armée secrète"
*Spanish "Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación"
*"Batallón Vasco Español"

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