

Argonaut may refer to:
* Argonaut (animal), a kind of octopus in the genus "Argonauta"
* Jason and the Argonauts, sailors in Greek mythology
* Argonauts of Saint Nicholas, a military order in Naples
* Argonaut Conference, the codename for The Yalta Conference, 1945 wartime meeting between Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin

In transportation:
* "Argonaut", Simon Lake's first submarine
* USS "Argonaut", name of two submarines of the United States Navy
* HMS "Argonaut", name given to four ships of the Royal Navy
* French ship Argonaute, name of various French vessels
* "Argonaut", train operated between Los Angeles and New Orleans
* Canadair Argonaut, a version of the DC-4 airliner
* Argonaut (automobile), an American automobile manufactured from 1959 to 1963

* Argonaut Games, a British video game company
* Argonaut Mine, a defunct gold mine in Jackson, California

* Argonaut class reactor, a type of small nuclear research reactor
* Toronto Argonauts, a team in the Canadian Football League
* Argonaut Rowing Club, a rowing club in Toronto, Ontario
* Argonaute proteins, catalytic components of the complex that mediates RNA interference
* Argonaut Island, real name Ulleungdo, drawn at incorrect coordinates on some European maps of the 19th century. Some Japanese maps reproduced the error with the label "Takeshima", causing confusion with Liancourt Rocks.
* CSTC Argonaut, commonly referred to as "Argo", located in CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick, an Army Cadet Summer Training Centre
* "The Argonaut", a San Franciscan literary journal
* Argonaut Building, an office building in Detroit, Michigan

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  • Argonaut — Games Logo de Argonaut Games Dates clés 1982 : Création 2004 : Fermeture Personnages clés Jez …   Wikipédia en Français

  • argonaut — ARGONAÚT, argonauţi, s.m. 1. (mitol.) Nume dat eroilor antici greci care au călătorit pe corabia Argo spre Colchida. ♦ fig. Navigator îndrăzneţ. 2. Specie de moluscă cefalopodă din apele tropicale (Argonauta argo). – Din fr. argonaute. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Argonaut — Ar go*naut, n. [L. Argonauta, Gr. ?; ? + ? sailor, ? ship. See {Argo}.] 1. Any one of the legendary Greek heroes who sailed with Jason, in the Argo, in quest of the Golden Fleece. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) A cephalopod of the genus Argonauta.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Argonaut — (spr. Argono), holzreiche Insel, der Ostküste von Korea gegenüber …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Argonaut — Argonaut, s. Papiernautilus …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Argonaut — (n.) sailor of the Argo, 1580s (implied in argonautic), from ARGO (Cf. Argo) + Gk. nautes sailor (see NAVAL (Cf. naval)). Adventurers in the California Gold Rush of 1848 were called argonauts (because they sought the golden fleece) by those who… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Argonaut — [är′gə nôt΄, är′gənät΄] n. [L Argonauta < Gr Argonautēs < Argō, Jason s ship + nautēs, sailor < naus, ship] 1. Gr. Myth. any of the men who sail with Jason to search for the Golden Fleece ☆ 2. [also a ] a person who took part in the… …   English World dictionary

  • Argonaut — Der Begriff Argonaut, Argonaute oder Argonauten (griechisch: Αργοναύτης) bezeichnet: die Helden der griechischen Argonautensage, die auf dem Schiff Argo segelten Argonauten (Kopffüßer), eine Weichtier Gattung, auch Papierboote genannt Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Argonaut — Argonautic, adj. /ahr geuh nawt , not /, n. 1. Class. Myth. a member of the band of men who sailed to Colchis with Jason in the ship Argo in search of the Golden Fleece. 2. (sometimes l.c.) a person in quest of something dangerous but rewarding;… …   Universalium

  • Argonaut Games — Тип Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Год основания 1982 год Расположение …   Википедия

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