

Pesikta (Hebrew: פסיקתא) refers to two collections of rabbinic literature:

* Pesikta de-Rav Kahana
* Pesikta Rabbati

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  • Pesikta de-Rav Kahana — Pesikta de Rab Kahana (Hebrew: פסיקתא דרב כהנא) is a collection of Aggadic midrash which exists in two editions, those of Solomon Buber (Lyck, 1868) and Bernard Mandelbaum (1962). It is cited in the Aruk and by Rashi. It consists of 33 (or 34)… …   Wikipedia

  • PESIKTA DE-RAV KAHANA — (Aram. פְּסִיקְתָּא דְרַב כָּהֲנָא), one of the oldest of the homiletic Midrashim. The word pesikta means the section or the portion. The Pesikta de Rav Kahana contains homilies on portions of the Torah and haftarah readings for the festivals and …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Pesikta Rabbati — (Hebrew: פסיקתא רבתי) is a collection of Aggadic Midrash (homilies) on the Pentateuchal and prophetic lessons, the special Sabbaths, etc. It was composed around 845 CE and probably called rabbati (the larger) to distinguish it from the earlier… …   Wikipedia

  • PESIKTA RABBATI — (Aram. פְּסִיקְתָּא רַבָּתִי), a medieval Midrash on the festivals of the year. It has been printed several times, and a critical edition, with introduction, commentary, and indices was published by M. Friedman (Ish Shalom) in 1880. Further… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Tobiah ben Eliezer — (Hebrew: טוביה בר אליעזר) was a Talmudist and poet of the 11th century, author of the Leḳaḥ Ṭob or Pesiḳta Zuṭarta, a midrashic commentary on the Pentateuch and the Five Megillot. Zunz (G. V. pp. 293 et seq.) inferred from Tobiah s reference to… …   Wikipedia

  • Leviticus Rabbah — Leviticus Rabbah, Vayikrah Rabbah, or Wayikra Rabbah is a homiletic midrash to the Biblical book of Leviticus ( Vayikrah in Hebrew). It is referred to by Nathan ben Jehiel (circa 1035 ndash;1106) in his Aruk as well as by Rashi (1040–1105) in his …   Wikipedia

  • Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah — Rabbinic Literature Talmudic literature Mishnah • Tosefta Jerusalem Talmud • Babylonian Talmud Minor tractates Halakhic Midrash Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael (Exodus) Mekhilta de Rabbi Shimon (Exodus) Sifra (Leviticus) Sifre (Numbers Deuteronomy)… …   Wikipedia

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  • MIDRASHIM, SMALLER — This entry covers those aggadic and midrashic works which are not treated in separate articles. (1) MIDRASH AGUR, also known as Mishnat R. Eliezer, or Midrash Sheloshim u Shetayim Middot. Belonging to some extent to the category of aggadic works …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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