Spirou à Moscou

Spirou à Moscou

Graphicnovelbox| title= Spirou et Fantasio #42 Spirou à Moscou

caption=Cover of the Belgian edition
series="Spirou et Fantasio"
origpublication= "Le Journal de Spirou"
origissues= #2736 - #2747
origdate= 1990
origisbn= 2-8001-1783-4
artists= Janry
previssue= "La vallée des bannis", 1989
nextissue= "Vito la Déveine", 1991

"Spirou à Moscou", written by Tome and drawn by Janry, is the forty-second album of the "Spirou et Fantasio" series, and the tenth of the authors. The story was serialised in "Spirou", before it was released as a hardcover album in 1990.


Moments before their departure on holiday to the tropics, Spirou and Fantasio are taken by the DST for the KGB which needs them. Moscow is being terrorised by the mysterious 'White Prince of the Russian Mafia', Tanaziof. According to the KGB's information this man is an old enemy of the two heroes.

In Moscow, Spirou and Fantasio discover that Tanaziof is none other than Zantafio, Fantasio's evil cousin. Zantafio's inept second-in-command, Nikita Vlalarlev, tries to assassinate the two heroes but fails. Zantafio is planning to abduct the body of Lenin and to ask the Russian government for a huge ransom for its return. Spirou and Fantasio succeed in thwarting these plans. Zantafio manages to escape.


* [http://bdoubliees.com/journalspirou/auteurs6/tome.htm Tome publications in "Spirou"] and [http://bdoubliees.com/journalspirou/auteurs3/janry.htm Janry publications in "Spirou"] BDoubliées fr_icon

External links

* [http://www.spirou.com/spirou/albums.shtml Spirou official site album index] fr_icon

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