Spirou à New York

Spirou à New York

Graphicnovelbox| title= Spirou et Fantasio #39 Spirou à New York

caption=Cover of the Belgian edition
series="Spirou et Fantasio"
origpublication= "Le Journal de Spirou"
origissues= #2560 - #2572
origdate= 1987
origisbn= 2-8001-1518-1
artists= Janry
previssue= "La jeunesse de Spirou", 1987
nextissue= "La frousse aux trousses", 1988

"Spirou à New York", written by Tome and drawn by Janry, is the thirtyninth album of the "Spirou et Fantasio" series, and the seventh of the authors. The story was serialised in "Spirou", before released as a hardcover album in 1987.


In "Spirou in New York", the Italian Mafia of New York are dismayed as their criminal activities seem to be cursed and Don Vito "Lucky" Cortizone, the Mafia Godfather, initiates a plan put forward by his second-in-command, Alfredo, to reverse their uncannily rotten luck: to plant a golden key into a Cortizone & Son product, Lucky's Pizza, and rewarding a million dollars to the lucky finders. Spirou and Fantasio who are in an economic slump, are forced to eat an inexpensive dinner, and as Fantasio chokes on a bite of Lucky's Pizza, they become the finders of the golden key. Informed they simply have to travel to New York to collect their prize, The Mafia believe they are receiving a talisman to counteract their misfortune.

When they arrive in New York, they learn the true identity of their hosts and promptly leave without accepting any mafia money, but are unexpectedly attacked by members of the Chinese Triad, the Mafia's chief rivals, and as a result Spip is abducted. Forced to collaborate with Cortizone in order to rescue Spip, they break into the Triad headquarters and discover the source of The Mafia's constant misfortune, a table with the power to influence good and bad fortune onto the subject of a photo placed onto the field, shaped in the design of a Taijitu, like the yin-yang, which are selected by Cortizone's Triad counterpart, "The Mandarin".

Having levelled the balance of fortune, Cortizone and the Mandarin engage in a personal battle over briefcases containing money and a bomb, and following a decptive swap of suitcases, the two rivals explode above Hudson River.


* [http://bdoubliees.com/journalspirou/auteurs6/tome.htm Tome publications in "Spirou"] and [http://bdoubliees.com/journalspirou/auteurs3/janry.htm Janry publications in "Spirou"] BDoubliées fr_icon

External links

* [http://www.spirou.com/spirou/albums.shtml Spirou official site album index] fr_icon

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