Mystery Babylon — is a series of shortwave radio broadcasts made by former naval intelligence officer and author Milton William Cooper, which originally aired on his show, The Hour of the Time , on WWCR in 1993 1994. The title refers to mystery religions, and the… … Wikipedia
Mystery (disambiguation) — A mystery or mysteries are something secret, unexplainable, obscure or puzzling. It can refer to:Mystery (something unexplained in science: physics, history etc.)Mystery genre*Mystery (fiction), the most common modern use of the term, is a genre… … Wikipedia
Babylon (New Testament) — The Fall of Babylon to Cyrus the Great c.539 BC, depicted in a medieval tapestry. Babylon occurs in the Christian New Testament both with a literal and a figurative meaning. The famous ancient city, located near Baghdad, was a complete… … Wikipedia
Whore of Babylon — An 1800s Russian engraving depicting the Whore of Babylon riding the seven headed Beast (a Sirrush) Christian eschatology Eschatology views … Wikipedia
History of religion in the United States — The religious history of the United States begins more than a century before the former British colonies became the United States of America in 1776.Some of the original settlers were men and women of deep religious convictions. The religious… … Wikipedia
Orphism (religion) — Orphic mosaics were found in many late Roman villas Orphism (more rarely Orphicism) (Ancient Greek: Ὀρφικά) is the name given to a set of religious[1] beliefs and practices in the ancient Greek and the Hellenistic wo … Wikipedia
Bektashism and folk religion — Folk religious practices remain in Bektashism and certain practices are also found to a lesser extent in Balkan Christianity and non Bektashi Balkan Islam as well, according to some Western Islamic scholars.Famous archaeologist Arthur Evanz,… … Wikipedia
The Two Babylons — was an anti Catholic religious pamphlet produced initially by the Scottish theologian and Protestant Presbyterian Alexander Hislop in 1853. It was later expanded in 1858 and finally published as a book in 1919. Its central theme is its allegation … Wikipedia
Ralph Woodrow — is an Evangelical Christian Minister, speaker and author of 14 books. Woodrow formerly supported the thesis of the 19th century churchman Alexander Hislop that Roman Catholicism is a syncretistic pagan religion in his book Babylon Mystery… … Wikipedia
Bohemian Grove — is a convert|2700|acre|km2|0|abbr=on|lk=on|adj=on campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco based men s art club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid July each year, Bohemian Grove… … Wikipedia