

name = Saccocirridae
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Annelida
classis = Polychaeta
subclassis = Palpata
ordo = Canalipalpata
familia = Saccocirridae
The Saccocirridae are small interstitial polychaetes common in coarse sand, reflective, surf beaches, usually within the zone of retention. The Saccociridae are members of the clade Protodrilida, which is in turn part of the clade Canalipalpata. Saccocirridae have a world wide distribution and it is likely that many more species remain to be described. These polychates are usually between 2 and 10 mm in length and 500 μm wide. They have reduced parapodia and are considered a true interstitial species, incapable of burrowing through finer sediments.

accocirridae Morphology

Based on "Saccocirrus sonomacus" from the Pacific Coast of the Americas


The prostomium supports a pair of groved palps that have, primarily, a sensory purpose. A pair of eyes are also present.


Probably reduced to a circumoral ring.

Typical body segment:


Usually bi-lobed. Contains a duo-gland adhesive system.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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