- Anwar Haddam
Anwar Haddam ( _ar. أنور هدام) was a leader of the
Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), aIslamist party inAlgeria , and was elected to parliament on a FIS ticket in 1991 - Algeria's firstmultiparty elections. The dissolution of the FIS by militarydecree after its electoral victories in 1991-92 triggered theAlgerian Civil War , in which the FIS-affiliatedIslamic Salvation Army (AIS) and othermilitia s fought the military-dominated government. Haddam spent most of the war years inexile in the United States of America, acting as a main figure in the party's political leadership. Algerian authorities unsuccessfully sought hisextradition . [http://www.firstamend.org/HaddamPage.html]In 1995, Haddam and
Rabeh Kebir both signed theSant'Egidio Platform - a joint document byopposition parties demanding a reinstatement ofdemocracy in Algeria - as representatives of FIS.External links
* [http://www.meforum.org/article/316 "An Islamist Vision for Algeria"] - Interview with Anwar Haddam
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.