List of synagogues in Romania

List of synagogues in Romania

This is a list of synagogues and Jewish temples in Romania, divided by historical region.


**Synagogue of Cetate, 1863-1865
**Synagogue of Fabric, 1889
**Iosefin Synagogue []
**Synagogue of Cuza Vodă street, 1843
*Other towns
**Synagogue of Caransebeş, 1893
**Sephardic Synagogue of Lugoj ("Small Synagogue") []
**Synagogue of Reşiţa, 1910 []


*Synagogue of Calea Moşilor []
*Yeshua Tova Synagogue ("Sinagoga Ieşua Tova", or "Sinagoga Podul Mogoşoaiei"), 1827
*Great Synagogue (Bucharest), 1910 (today a museum)
*Unirea Sfântă Synagogue, 1836 (hosting the Jewish Museum (Bucharest))
*Templul Coral, 1866
*Credinţa Temple, 1926
*Chabad Lyubavitsh of Romania []


**Sinagoga neologă, 1834 []
**Synagogue Ortodoxă, 1920
**Orthodox Synagogue []
**Sion Synagogue ("Templul Neolog"), 1878


*Synagogue of Babadag, 1893
*Synagogue of Tulcea, ("Templul evreiesc") []
*Great Synagogue ("Ashkenazi"), Constanţa, 1911


*Satu Mare
**Synagogue of Ţibleş street, 1912
**Synagogue "Saare Tora", 1927 (next to the Great Temple)
**Great Temple, 1889 [] []
*Other towns
**Synagogue of Baia Mare, 1885 []
**Synagogue of Seini, 1904
**Vijniţer Klaus Temple, Sighetu Marmaţiei, 1885 []


**Synagogue Rabin Avram Arie Rosen
**Cerealiştilor Temple, 1906
**Synagogue "Hoihe Sil", 1834
**Yiddish Synagogue
**Synagogue of Fălticeni, 1890
**Great Synagogue, 1838-1854
**Cismarilor Synagogue
**Great Synagogue of Iaşi, 1671
**Merarilor Synagogue, (19th century)
**Synagogue of Gh. Asachi street []
**Synagogue of Bran street
*Vatra Dornei
**Synagogue of Luceafărul street
**Great temple, 1898-1902
*Other towns
**Synagogue "Ahai Vereai", Focşani, 1889
**Croitorilor Synagogue ("Poale Tedek" Synagogue "), Roman, 1850
**Wooden Synagogue ("Central Synagogue") of Piatra Neamţ, 1766, []
**Synagogue of Bârlad, 1789
**Synagogue of Buhuşi ("Curtea Rabinică"), []
**Synagogue of Dorohoi, 1790
**Synagogue of Huşi, 1860
**Synagogue of Odobeşti, Bacău
**Synagogue of Săveni
**Synagogue of Vaslui
**Gah Synagogue, Suceava
**Leipziger Synagogue, Roman
**Great Synagogue of Câmpulung Moldovenesc, 1874
**Great Synagogue of Gura Humorului, 1860
**Great Synagogue of Hârlău, 1812 - 1814
**Great Synagogue of Suceava
**Meseriaşilor Synagogue, Târgu Neamţ, 1870
**Great Temple, Rădăuţi, 1879
**Great Temple, Siret, Suceava, 1840
**Meseriaşilor Temple, Galaţi, 1896


**Synagogue, 1962
**Great Synagogue []
*Other towns:
**Synagogue of Piteşti, 1919-1925 []
**Synagogue of Râmnicu Sărat, 1855
**Synagogue of Târgovişte
**Great Synagogue of Ploieşti ("Beth Israel"), 1794-1795 []
**Temple of Buzău, 1855


*Drobeta Turnu Severin
**Ashkenazi Synagogue
**Synagogue []
*Other towns
**Synagogue of Caracal, 1902
**Coral Temple of Craiova, 1829


**Synagogue (Jewish temple) 1898 - 1901 []
**Orthodox Synagogue 1877 []
**Sinagogue of Cluj
**Synagogue of Geoge Bariţiu street
**Reformed Synagogue ("Sinagoga Neologă, Templul deportaţilor", 1886, partially rebuilt in 1927, 1944)
**"Şas Hevra" Temple, 1922
*Other towns
**Synagogue of Bistriţa, 1856
**Synagogue of Borsec
**Synagogue of Gheorgheni, 1927-1928
**Synagogue of Gherla, 1911 []
**Synagogue of Haţeg, 1884
**Synagogue of Jibou
**Synagogue of Mediaş, 1896
**Synagogue of Ploieşti
**Synagogue of Orăştie, 1878
**Synagogue of Sibiu, 1898-1899 []
**Synagogue of Sighişoara, 1903
**Synagogue of Târnăveni []
**Synagogue of Turda, 1926
**Synagogue of Şimleul Silvaniei
**Great Synagogue of Târgu Mureş []
**Old Synagogue, Alba Iulia
**"Înfrăţirea" Temple of Dej, 1907
**Great Temple of Deva, 1896

External links

* [] - Images of synagogues in Romania.

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