poster session — noun A presentation of information or a short paper, esp at a conference, by means of wall mounted posters and illustrations, the presenter being available to explain, discuss or elaborate on the material • • • Main Entry: ↑poster … Useful english dictionary
Poster-Session — Pos|ter Ses|si|on [ poʊstə sɛʃən], die; , s [engl. poster session, aus: poster (↑Poster) u. session, 2↑Session]: Veranstaltung, bei der die Arbeiten von Wissenschaftlern anhand von Bildern, Plakaten, Schautafeln o. Ä. vorgestellt werden: Vorträge … Universal-Lexikon
poster session — /ˈpoʊstə sɛʃən/ (say pohstuh seshuhn) noun a session at a conference in which presenters put their research on display in a poster format which participants can read and follow up in one on one discussions with the presenter …
poster session — noun Date: 1974 a presentation of information on a series of posters that may include drawings, photographs, charts, graphs, and textual data relating to a specific subject … New Collegiate Dictionary
Poster — Un poster illustrant douze espèces de fleurs différentes Un poster est une affiche dont le but a cessé d être publicitaire et dont la fonction est décorative, éducative ou informative. Contrairement à l affiche, qui peut être de grande taille (4m … Wikipédia en Français
Session (Konferenz) — Als Session werden fachbezogene Sitzungsperioden oder Vortragsreihen bei wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen sowie Diskussionsrunden bei bestimmten Konferenzformaten von sogenannten „Unkonferenzen“ bezeichnet. Das aus dem Lateinischen stammende… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Session capping — is a term in online advertising that means restricting (capping) the amount of specific advertising sessions a visitor to a website is allowed to have.Here, a session is defined as the total amount of time one visitor spends on a single website,… … Wikipedia
poster — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ campaign, circus, election, film (esp. BrE), movie (esp. AmE), propaganda ▪ vintage (esp. AmE) ▪ He collects vint … Collocations dictionary
Session 9 — Infobox Film name = Session 9 caption = Promotional poster for Session 9 director = Brad Anderson producer = John Sloss, Dorothy Aufiero, David Collins, Michael Williams writer = Brad Anderson, Stephen Gevedon starring = David Caruso, Stephen… … Wikipedia
Digital Poster — A digital poster, dubbed ePoster by Convene Magazine (December 2006), is the logical extension of abstract management systems. By taking the content submitted by researchers to the academic or profession conference peer review process and… … Wikipedia