

Infobox Former Subdivision
native_name =
conventional_long_name = Udvarhely County
common_name = Udvarhely
subdivision = County
nation = the Kingdom of Hungary
p1 =
s1 =
year_start = 1876
event_end = Treaty of Trianon
year_end = 1920
date_end = June 4

capital = Székelyudvarhely
stat_area1 = 2938
stat_pop1 = 124200
stat_year1 = 1910
today = Romania
footnotes = Odorheiu Secuiesc is the current name of the capital.

Udvarhely was the name of an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is presently in central Romania (eastern Transylvania). The capital of the county was "Székelyudvarhely" (now Odorheiu Secuiesc).


Udvarhely county shared borders with the counties of Maros-Torda, Csík, Háromszék, Nagy-Küküllő, and Kis-Küküllő. The county lay in the Carpathian Mountains. Its area was 2938 km² around 1910.


The Udvarhely region was a settlement (seat) of the Székely, Udvarhelyszék. Udvarhely county was formed in 1876, when the administrative structure of Transylvania was changed. In 1918 (confirmed by the Treaty of Trianon 1920), the county became part of Romania except Hungarian occupation between 1940-1944 during World War II. Its territory constitutes now the present Romanian counties Harghita, Mureş (a small part in the west) and Covasna (a small part in the south-east).


In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Udvarhely county were:

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