Ed Ableser

Ed Ableser

Infobox State Representative
name = Ed Ableser

width =
state_house = Arizona
state = Arizona
district = 17th
term_start = 2007
preceded =
succeeded =
party = Democratic
date of birth = birth date and age|1978|3|16
place of birth = Tarzana, California
death_date =
death_place =
spouse =
residence = Tempe, Arizona
alma_mater = Arizona State University
profession = mental health counselor
religion = Christian

Ed Ableser is a Democratic member of the Arizona House of Representatives, representing the 17th District since 2007. His district includes parts of Tempe and South Scottsdale.

Ableser was appointed to fill the state Senate term of former state Senator (now U.S. Congressman) Harry Mitchell and subsequently ran successfully for the Arizona House of Representatives.

External links

* [http://www.azleg.gov/MembersPage.asp?Member_ID=5&Legislature=48 Arizona House of Representatives - Rep. Ed Ableser] official AZ House site
* [http://www.edableser.com/ Ed Ableser] official campaign website
* [http://votesmart.org/bio.php?can_id=28313 Project Vote Smart - Representative Ed Ableser (AZ)] profile
*"Follow the Money" - Ed Ableser
** [http://www.followthemoney.org/database/StateGlance/candidate.phtml?c=89818 2006] [http://www.followthemoney.org/database/StateGlance/candidate.phtml?c=69261 2004] campaign contributions

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