

LacusCurtius is a website specializing in ancient Rome, currently hosted on a server at the University of Chicago. It went online on August 26, 1997; in January 2008 it had "2786 pages, 690 photos, 675 drawings & engravings, 118 plans, 66 maps."

The main resources to be found on it include:

* a number of Latin texts, usually in the original Latin and in English translation
* Greek texts in English translation
* "Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities"
* "Platner's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome"
* several secondary works, mostly on Rome and Roman Britain
* a photogazetteer of the Roman remains of central Italy

The parent site also includes a large American history section and a Gazetteer of Italy; the latter is somewhat of a misnomer, being almost entirely about central Italy, especially Umbria, for which it is a useful source.

The proper spelling of "LacusCurtius" is as a single CamelCase word, with no space; the idea was to avoid polluting searches for the Lacus Curtius, a different thing altogether.

External links

* [ top-level entry page]
* [ LacusCurtius]

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