Aviation Maintenance Administrationman

Aviation Maintenance Administrationman

Aviation Maintenance Administrationman (abbreviated as AZ) is a United States Navy occupational rating.


Aviation Maintenance Administrationmen perform technical, managerial, and support duties required by the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program; prepare aircraft and maintenance related correspondence; maintain directive control and custody records, control forms and reporting requirements; maintain files on departmental organization, manning, personnel TAD and transfers, and training requirements; plan, program, and coordinate scheduled and unscheduled maintenance tasks and the incorporation of changes and modifications on/to aircraft and aeronautical equipment and support equipment; coordinate squadron/activity maintenance reporting requirements and recommend changes to maintenance policies and procedures; organize, maintain and operate Navy Aeronautical Technical Publications Library, oversee dispersed libraries, audit and train dispersed librarians; operate the Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS); input, verify, and validate data pertaining to the history, operation, maintenance, configuration, receipt, and transfer of naval aircraft, related aeronautical equipment, and components installed in those equipment; maintain operations department flight data historical files and aviator data; provide support/assistance to organizational, intermediate, and depot maintenance staff areas; and perform other duties, as required, when attached to organizational, intermediate, and depot maintenance activities or aviation staff commands. Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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