Fani Halkia

Fani Halkia

Fani Halkia ( _el. Φανή Χαλκιά, IPA2|faˈni xalˈca, born February 2, 1979 in Larissa) is a Greek hurdler.

She won the gold medal in the women's 400m hurdles at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. During the semifinals Halkia set an Olympic record of 52.77 seconds.

On August 16, 2008, during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing it was announced that she tested positive for the banned substance methyltrienolone. [ Greek hurdler Fani Halkia tests positive for doping] - Yahoo] [ Greece's Halkia fails test: officials] ] [ Greek champion fails drugs test] ] Halkia denies she has taken any banned substance, and asked for her 'B' sample to be tested, which also tested positive the next day. [ [ IOC DISCIPLINARY COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING Ms FANI CHALKIA] ]


Personal bests


*400 metres - 50.56 s (2004) - Greek record. [ Greek all-time list, women] - Athletix]
*400 metres hurdles - 52.77 s (2004) - Greek record. b]
*200 metres - 23.30 s (2007)


*400 metres - 51.68 s (2004) - Greek record.


External links

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  • Faní Chalkiá — (griechisch Φανή Χαλκιά, auch Faní Halkiá [faˈni xalˈca]; * 2. Februar 1979 in Larisa) ist eine griechische Hürdenläuferin und Olympiasiegerin im 400 Meter Hürdenlauf. Bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2004 in Athen siegte sie überraschend vor… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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