

name = UltraEdit
logo =

caption =
developer = Ian D. Mead
latest_release_version = 14.20
latest_release_date = release date|2008|10|07
operating_system = Microsoft Windows
use = text editor
license = Proprietary
website = [http://www.ultraedit.com/index.php?name=UE_AdvFeatures UltraEdit]

UltraEdit is a commercial text editor for Microsoft Windows created in 1994 by Ian D. Mead. The editor contains tools for programmers, including macros, configurable syntax highlighting, code folding, file type conversions, project management, regular expressions for search-and-replace, a column-edit mode, remote editing of files via FTP, interfaces for APIs or command lines of choice and more. Files can be browsed and edited in tabs. [cite web|url=http://www.ultraedit.com/index.php?name=UE_MoreFeatures|title=UltraEdit-32 features|accessdate=2007-08-17|publisher=IDM Computer Solutions]

Originally called UltraEdit, it was designed to run in Windows 3.1. A version called UltraEdit-32 was later created to run in Windows NT and Windows 95. The last 16-bit UltraEdit program was 6.20b.

Beginning with version 11, the Wintertree spell check engine was replaced by GNU Aspell.

UltraEdit-32 was renamed to UltraEdit in version 14.00.

UltraEdit compares well feature-wise with other development editors. An installation takes about 30 MB of disk space. It also supports Unicode and hex editing modes, but does not fully support Unicode File Handling.

UltraEdit is Demoware: It can be evaluated during a 30-day or 45-day trial period, depending on previous usage. After expiration of this period, the application will work only with a regular license key.

UltraEdit also includes UltraCompare Lite.


It is a variant with additional support for IDE editing. In also enhanced file handling, file editing, HTML editing over UltraEdit. [ [http://www.ultraedit.com/products/uestudio/differences.html UltraEdit vs. UEStudio] ]

IDE features include: Workspace Manager, project builder (interactive and batch),resource editor, project converter, class viewer, native compiler support, debugger with integrated debugging (via WinDBG).

File handling features include: Project Manager, SVN/CVS version control.

File editing features include: Tabbed Output Window for script commands, intelligent auto complete tooltip.

HTML editing features include: Integrated PHP, ruby support.


UltraEdit has been given high ranks and awards by different authorities. [cite web |url=http://www.ultraedit.com/index.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=3 |title=UltraEdit awards |accessdate=2007-08-17 |publisher=IDM Computer Solutions] In a review published on PC Magazine, different users compared the ease of use and the price with its competitors and referred to it as their favorite choice. [cite web |title=Review of UltraEdit-32 10.0 |url=http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1589938,00.asp |accessdate=2007-08-17 |publisher=PC Magazine] UltraEdit is the software of choice for some web developers as well. [cite web |url=http://www.htmlcenter.com/reviews/reviews.cfm/58/HTML/ |title=Review of UltraEdit |publisher=HTMLcenter |accessdate=2007-08-17] Additionally, UltraEdit received the "People's Choice" award for "The Best Business Application or Utility"at the 2007 Shareware Industry Conference. [cite web |url=http://www.ultraedit.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=63 |title=2007 SIA People's Choice Award (The People Have Spoken...) |publisher=IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. |accessdate=2007-08-27]

ee also

*List of text editors
*Comparison of text editors


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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