- Hydrangea
name = "Hydrangea"
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Hydrangea macrophylla"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Cornales
familia =Hydrangeaceae
genus = "Hydrangea"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text"Hydrangea" (pronEng|haɪˈdreɪndʒ(i)ə, common names Hydrangea and Hortensia) is a genus of about 70-75 species of
flowering plant s native to southern and easternAsia (fromJapan toChina , theHimalaya andIndonesia ) and North andSouth America . The flowers are extremely common in theAzores Islands ofPortugal , particularly onFaial Island , which is known as the "blue island" due to the vast number of hydrangeas present on the island. By far the greatest species diversity is in eastern Asia, notably China and Japan. Most areshrub s 1-3 m tall, but some are smalltree s, and othersliana s reaching up to 30 m by climbing up trees. They can be eitherdeciduous orevergreen , though the widely cultivated temperate species are all deciduous.Species in the related genus "
Schizophragma ", also in Hydrangeaceae, are also often known as hydrangeas. "Schizophragma hydrangeoides " and "Hydrangea petiolaris " are both commonly known as climbing hydrangeas.Life Cycle
flower s are produced from early spring to lateautumn ; they grow in flowerheads (corymb s orpanicle s) at the ends of the stems. In many species, the flowerheads contain two types of flowers, small fertile flowers in the middle of the flowerhead, and large, sterile bract-like flowers in a ring around the edge of each flowerhead. Other species have all the flowers fertile and of the same size.Colors and Acidity
In most species the flowers are
white , but in some species (notably "H. macrophylla"), can be blue, red, pink, or purple. In these species the exact colour often depends on thepH of the soil;acid ic soils produce blue flowers, neutral soils produce very pale cream petals, andalkaline soils results in pink or purple. Hydrangeas are one of very few plants that accumulatealuminium . Aluminium is released from acidic soils, and in some species, forms complexes in the hydrangea flower giving them their blue colour.Partial list of species
Hydrangea anomala " (Climbing Hydrangea). Himalaya, southwest China.
*"Hydrangea arborescens " (Smooth Hydrangea). Eastern North America.
*"Hydrangea aspera ". China, Himalaya.
*"Hydrangea bretschneideri ". China.
*"Hydrangea candida ". China.
*"Hydrangea caudatifolia ". China.
*"Hydrangea chinensis ". China.
*"Hydrangea chungii ". China.
*"Hydrangea cinerea " (Ashy Hydrangea). Eastern United States.
*"Hydrangea coacta ". China.
*"Hydrangea coenobialis ". China.
*"Hydrangea davidii ". China.
*"Hydrangea dumicola ". China.
*"Hydrangea gracilis ". China.
*"Hydrangea heteromalla ". Himalaya, west and north China.
*"Hydrangea hirta ". Japan.
*"Hydrangea hypoglauca ". China.
*"Hydrangea integrifolia ". China.
*"Hydrangea involucrata ". Japan, Taiwan.
*"Hydrangea kawakamii ". Taiwan.
*"Hydrangea kwangsiensis ". China.
*"Hydrangea kwangtungensis ". China.
*"Hydrangea lingii ". China.
*"Hydrangea linkweiensis ". China.
*"Hydrangea longifolia ". China.
*"Hydrangea longipes ". Western China.
*"Hydrangea macrocarpa ". China.
*"Hydrangea macrophylla " (Bigleaf Hydrangea). Northern Venezuela, Korea, Southern Japan.
*"Hydrangea mangshanensis ". China.
*"Hydrangea paniculata " (Panicled Hydrangea). Eastern China, Korea, Japan, Sakhalin.
*"Hydrangea petiolaris " (Climbing Hydrangea). Japan, Korea, Sakhalin.
*"Hydrangea quercifolia " (Oakleaf Hydrangea). Southeast United States.
*"Hydrangea radiata " (Silverleaf Hydrangea). Southeast United States.
*"Hydrangea robusta ". China, Himalaya.
*"Hydrangea sargentiana ". Western China.
*"Hydrangea scandens ". Southern Japan south to the Philippines.
*"Hydrangea serrata ". Japan, Korea.
*"Hydrangea serratifolia ". Chile, western Argentina.
*"Hydrangea stenophylla ". China.
*"Hydrangea strigosa ". China.
*"Hydrangea stylosa ". China.
*"Hydrangea sungpanensis ". China.
*"Hydrangea xanthoneura ". China.
*"Hydrangea zhewanensis ". China.Cultivation and uses
Hydrangeas are popular
ornamental plant s, grown for their large flowerheads, with "Hydrangea macrophylla " being by far the most widely grown with over 600 namedcultivar s, many selected to have only large sterile flowers in the flowerheads. Some are best pruned on an annual basis when the new leaf buds begin to appear. If not pruned regularly, the bush will become very 'leggy', growing upwards until the weight of the stems is greater than their strength, at which point the stems will sag down to the ground and possibly break. Other species only flower on 'old wood'. Thus new wood resulting from pruning will not produce flowers until the following season.Hydrangeas are moderately toxic if eaten, with all parts of the plant containing
cyanogenic glycoside s. However, poisoning is rare, as the plant does not look like an enticing food source.In
Korean tea , "Hydrangea serrata " (hangul :산수국hanja :linktext|山|水|菊) is used for anherbal tea called ilsulcha (이슬차).Hydrangea paniculata is sometimes smoked to producecannabis -like effects. [ [http://www.erowid.org/herbs/hydrangea/hydrangea.shtml Erowid Hydrangea Vault ] ] smoking this plant can cause illness and/or death due to the presence of cyanide when burnt.Diseases
1 http://www.erowid.org/herbs/hydrangea/hydrangea.shtml
External links
* [http://www.hydrangeaworld.com www.hydrangeaworld.com]
* [http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=115977 Flora of China: "Hydrangea"]
* [http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=115977 Flora of Nepal: "Hydrangea" species list]
* [http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=HYDRA USDA Plant Profile: "Hydrangea"]
* [http://www.cas.vanderbilt.edu/bioimages/species/frame/hyar.htm "Hydrangea arborescens" images at bioimages.vanderbilt.edu]
* [http://www.heronswood.com/Hydrangea_Pruning_and_Care Hydrangea - their pruning and care]
* [http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/shrubselector/search_results.cfm?q=hydrangea Hydrangea - selecting shrubs] (University of Illinois Extension)
* [http://lakecounty.typepad.com/life_in_lake_county/2007/07/hydrangea-thoug.html Hydrangea Thoughts I] - Informative but non-scholarly essay on Hydrangea.
* [http://www.botanik.de/mendel/image-galleries/blumen/hortensien Hydrangea species and hybrids]
* [http://www.denolf.com/gen.php?reqNr=7&sReqNr=2&lang=EN "Endless Summer: a perpetual-flowering big-leaf Hydrangea"]
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