- Silene
image_width = 270px
image_caption = "Silene latifolia" (White Campion)
regnum =Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Caryophyllales
familia =Caryophyllaceae
genus = "Silene"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = About 300 species, including: "Silene acaulis " (Moss Campion) "Silene armeria " (Sweet William Catchfly) "Silene biafrae " "Silene conica " (Sand Catchfly) "Silene coronaria " (Rose Campion) "Silene dichotoma " (Forked Catchfly) "Silene diclinis " "Silene dioica " (Red Campion) "Silene fernandezii " "Silene gallica " (Small-flowered Catchfly) "Silene gazulensis " "Silene hicesiae " "Silene italica " (Italian Catchfly) "Silene laciniata " "Silene latifolia " (White Campion) "Silene linicola " (Flaxfield Catchfly) "Silene maritima " (Sea Campion) "Silene noctiflora " (Night-flowering Catchfly) "Silene nutans " (Nottingham Catchfly) "Silene otites " (Spanish Catchfly) "Silene rupestris " (Rock Campion) "Silene sennenii " "Silene sorensenis " (Sorensen's Catchfly) "Silene stellata " (Starry Campion) "Silene uniflora " (Sea Campion) "Silene villosa " "Silene virginica " (Fire Pink) "Silene viscosa " (White Sticky Catchfly) "Silene vulgaris " (Bladder Campion) "Silene wahlbergella " (Northern Catchfly)"Silene" is a
genus offlowering plant s in the familyCaryophyllaceae . Common names includecampion (shared with the related genus "Lychnis ") and catchfly.Red Campion ("S. dioica") andWhite Campion ("S. latifolia") are commonwildflower s throughout Europe and elsewhere. They readily hybridise to produce plants with paler pinkflower s. TheMoss campion is common in the high Arctic."Silene" species are used as food plants by the
larva e of someLepidoptera species - seelist of Lepidoptera that feed on Silene .Silene undulata (syn. Silene capensis) is used by the Xhosa tribe in Africa as an oneirogenic agent. Reputedly, a small amount of the root bark of this species is pulverised with water to produce a white froth. This froth is then sucked off and swallowed. The user's dreams for the following several nights are said to be more vivid and memorable than usual, although no effects are felt while awake. Some ethnobotanical websites sell silene specimens as "African Dreaming Root" or "Xhosa Dream Herb" or similar.
External links
* [http://www.plosbiology.org/plosonline/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.0030028 Evolution of Sex Chromosomes: The Case of the White Campion.] PLoS Biol 3(1): e28.
* [http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/genus.pl?11156 Germplasm Resources Information Network: "Silene"]
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