Guido Gezelle

Guido Gezelle

Guido Gezelle (May 1, 1830 - November 27, 1899) was an influential Dutch language writer and poet and a Roman Catholic priest from Belgium.

He was born in Bruges in the province of West Flanders, where he also spent most of his life. He was ordained a priest in 1854, and worked as a teacher and priest in Roeselare. He was always interested in all things in English and was given the prestigious right of being the priest for the 'English Convent' in Bruges. He died there in a small room, where it is still forbidden to enter.

He was the son of Monica Devrieze and Pieter Jan Gezelle, a Flemish gardener in Bruges.Gezelle was the uncle of Flemish writer Stijn Streuvels (Frank Lateur).

There is a museum of his works close by the English convent and also a small bar named after him.

He tried to develop an independent Flemish language, more or less separated from the general Dutch language, which had certain more "Hollandic" aspects. The Dutch he used in his poems was heavily influenced by the local West Flemish dialect. His works are often inspired by his mystic love towards God and Creation. For his linguistical mastery, he is till today considered one of the most important poets in Dutch.


* "Kerkhofblommen" (1858)
* "Vlaemsche Dichtoefeningen" (1858)
* "Kleengedichtjes" (1860)
* "Gedichten, Gezangen en Gebeden" (1862)
* "Tijdkrans" (1893)
* "Rijmsnoer" (1897)
* "Laatste Verzen" (1901)

ee also

* Flemish literature

External links

* [ Guido Gezelle Museum]
* [ Gezelle website]

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