tae-kwon-do — s.m.inv. ES coreano {{wmetafile0}} TS sport arte marziale coreana basata sulla particolare agilità e velocità di esecuzione dei colpi portati con i piedi o con le mani {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1988. ETIMO: coreano tae kwon do propr. con le mani e … Dizionario italiano
tae kwon do — 1967, from Korean, from tae kick + kwon fist + do art, way, method … Etymology dictionary
tae kwon do — (izg. tȅ kvȍn dȍ) m DEFINICIJA sport korejski sport nastao 1955. sintezom kineskog boksa, karatea i tradicionalnog korejskog tae kyona ETIMOLOGIJA kor. t̕aekwōndo ← to: udariti nogom, kwōn: udariti šakom, do: način (način borbe šakama i nogama) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Tae Kwon Do Times — Magazine is a magazine devoted to the Korean martial art of Taekwondo.It was founded in 1980 by Chung Eun Kim and Soja Kim. Currently, it is owned by Woo Jin Jung.The mission of the magazine is to encourage, edify and strengthen the martial… … Wikipedia
tae kwon do — ► NOUN ▪ a modern Korean martial art similar to karate. ORIGIN Korean, art of hand and foot fighting … English terms dictionary
tae kwon do — [tī′kwän′dō′] n. a Korean self defense system much like karate … English World dictionary
Tae-Kwon-Do — Koreanische Schreibweise Hangeul: 태권도 Hanja: 跆拳道 Revidiert: Taegwondo … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tae Kwon Do — Koreanische Schreibweise Hangeul: 태권도 Hanja: 跆拳道 Revidiert: Taegwondo … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tae kwon do — Koreanische Schreibweise Hangeul: 태권도 … Deutsch Wikipedia
tae kwon do — /tuy kwon doh / a Korean martial art, a particularly aggressive form of karate, that utilizes punches, jabs, chops, blocking and choking moves, and especially powerful, leaping kicks. Also, taekwondo. [1965 70; < Korean t aekwondo, equiv. to t ae … Universalium
Tae kwon do student oath — The Tae Kwan Do student oath is typically recited at the beginning of a class in Tae Kwan Do, either with students repeating after the instructor, or in unison, students and the instructor speaking at the same time.The purpose of the student oath … Wikipedia