Giovanni Domenico Santorini

Giovanni Domenico Santorini

Giovanni Domenico Santorini (June 6 1681 - May 7, 1737) was an Italian anatomist who received his medical doctorate from Pisa in 1701. He is remembered for his anatomical dissections of the human body.

From 1705 until 1728, Santorini performed anatomical demonstrations in Venice. His best written work was the 1724 publication of "Observationes anatomicae", which is a detailed work concerning anatomical aspects of the human body. He is credited for being the first to describe several anatomical structures, including the following:

* "Santorini's cartilage": The corniculate cartilage of the larynx.
* "Santorini's concha": The superior nasal concha (turbinate).
* "Duct of Santorini": An accessory duct of the pancreas.
* "Santorini's fissures": Vertical fissures in the anterior part of the cartilage of the external acoustic meatus (ear canal).
* "Santorini's minor caruncle": Location of the opening of the accessory pancreatic duct into the duodenum.
* "Santorini's muscle": Bundle of muscular fibers that draw the angle of the mouth laterally. Also sometimes called the "Albinus muscle"; named after German anatomist Bernhard Siegfried Albinus (1697-1770).
* "Santorini's vein": Vein which passes through the parietal foramen and links the superior sagittal sinus with veins of the scalp.

External Source:
* [ Who Named It?; Giovanni Santorini]

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