Seven-league boots

Seven-league boots

Seven-league boots are an element in European folklore. The boots allow the wearer to take great strides—seven leagues each step—resulting in great speed. The boots are presented by a magical character to the protagonist to aid in the completion of a significant task. (A league is three miles, so seven leagues is 21 miles or just under 35 kilometers.)

Mention of the legendary boots are found in:
* France - Charles Perrault's - "Hop o' My Thumb"
* Norway - Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe - "Soria Moria Castle"
* England - Jack the Giant Killer, Howl's Moving Castle, The Midnight Folk, The Bartimaeus Trilogy
* Germany - Sweetheart Roland, Adelbert von Chamisso's "Peter Schlemiel", Goethe's Faust (Mephistopheles uses them at the start of Part Two, Act Four)
* England - Jenny Nimmo Midnight for Charlie Bone

Other variations

In fiction

*Boots of speed are a frequent item in role-playing games and roguelikes. In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game they are a variation of the famous magical boots. They enable the wearer to run very fast—usually as fast as a galloping horse, or slower if the wearer is heavy. The wearer must usually rest for long periods after use. Sometimes, these items are still called 7 league boots.
*Seven League Boots appear in all three of the books of the Bartimaeus Trilogy, worn by the mercenary Verroq. In The Amulet of Samarkand, Bartimaeus remarks that the boots were created in Medieval Europe by imprisoning a djinni in each boot who could operate on a theoretical "eighth" plane. Because of this, normal rules of time and space do not apply to them.
*Seven Mile Boots is a new media art piece by Erich Berger, Laura Beloff and Martin Pichlmair. It consists of two boots that allow the wearer to travel through the internet. By taking a few steps, the user traverses from one chat room to the next. The user can hear people chatting through the speakers that are built into the tips of the shoes.
*Ten-league boots is a common variant. []
*Seven-league-boots are used in Terry Pratchett's Discworld books by the wizards of Unseen University. It is noted that unless some basic precautions are taken, using the boots results in having one's feet twenty-one miles apart causing unacceptable groinal strain.

The character Jack is also reported to have attempted to use the boots to win the Boston Marathon in "Fables" (comic).
*Nostro's Boots of Striding are a legendary item described in Book 6 of the Dragon Warriors role-playing game, having a similar function to seven-league boots.
*Seven league boots is an item in the computer game Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) that reduces the time to traverse wilderness and dungeon squares.
*7 League Boots (or simply "boots", if the item isn't detailed) is a usable item in the game . If used, it transports a player's unit to any freed town in the current map.
*Boots of Blinding Speed are a pair of boots in the Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind which allow the wearer to run at extremely high speeds, but blind the user during use.
*Ten Pace Boots Also found in Morrowind, these boots let you take very large jumps to travel quickly, at the cost of drained fatigue.

Non fictional

*"Seven League Boots" is a 1935 travelogue by American adventurer Richard Halliburton
*Jumping stilts, a device for jumping and running
*Rocket boots

External links

* [ The Seven Mile Boots media art piece]

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  • seven league boots — boots from a fairy tale that enable the person who wears them to reach seven leagues at a stride …   English contemporary dictionary

  • seven-league boots — /sev euhn leeg / fairy tale boots enabling the wearer to reach seven leagues at a stride. [1805 15; trans. of F bottes de sept lieues in the fairy tales of C. Perrault, esp. Le petit Poucet (E Hop o my Thumb)] * * * …   Universalium

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  • seven-league boots — /sev euhn leeg / fairy tale boots enabling the wearer to reach seven leagues at a stride. [1805 15; trans. of F bottes de sept lieues in the fairy tales of C. Perrault, esp. Le petit Poucet (E Hop o my Thumb)] …   Useful english dictionary

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