

Infobox Software
name = Jajuk

caption = A screenshot of Jajuk.
developer = The Jajuk Team
released = march 2004
frequently_updated = yes
programming language = Java Swing
operating system = Any OS supporting Java 1.5+
language = English, French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Greek, Russian, Korean, Dutch
genre = Audio player
license = GPL
website = [http://jajuk.info/ jajuk.info]

Jajuk is a multi-platform music organizer. It is a Free Software published under GPL license.

Development goals

The main goal of Jajuk is to manage large or scattered music collections and to bring many features into a single product, so that music can be accessed quickly.

Main principles

* Maximum features: Jajuk is made firstly for advanced users looking for powerful functionalities
* Maximum usability: Jajuk is designed to be intuitive, fast and provide multiple ways to perform the same operation
* Maximum portability and desktop integration


Player functions
* Last.FM audioscrobbing
* Webradios support
* Lyrics display
* Digital DJ: Makes party programation based on user rules
* Ambiance management: listen to genre-related tracks
* Configurable cross-fade
* Recursive play/repeat/shuffle/push in directories/sub-directories or by genre/artist/albums...
* Best Of smart function to play user favorite tracks
* Novelties smart function to play user collection newest albums
* Continue smart function to continue in current album after a shuffle selection
* Push into player queue
* Planned tracks: foresee user selection
* Various startup modes: none, last one, last one keep position, specified, shuffle, novelties, bestof
* Intro from a track position and specified length
* Shuffle in entire collection
* Alarm clock
* Duplicate finder
* Repeat, shuffle, intro, fast forward/rewind, mute...

Sound Engine
* Supports following audio-formats: MP3, Ogg, WAV, Speex, AAC/M4U, Real Player, WMA, Flac, Ape, MP2
* Automatic rating system
* Automatic indexing: Jajuk uses an XML database to store collection tags. It allows a fast startup even for very large collections.
* Devices synchronization: unidirectional or bidirectional, full or partial
* Custom properties support: create custom attributes on any item to store personal data
* Unmounted devices support: navigate into unmounted devices (CDs for example) to get a complete view of user collection at any time
* CD scanner: used to create jajuk collection from CDs
* Collection reporting in HTML or XML

Search functions
* Last.FM similar artists and other albums integration
* Web navigator-like history bar
* Instant search box to perform quick searches
* Table filters

Tag support
* Supports following tags: Ogg, ID3 V1/V2, WMA, Flac
* Tag edition (single and multiple tracks)
* Online(CDDB) retagging
* Collection reorganizer using tags and a pattern
* Create your own tag using the custom properties

Graphical Interface
* Dockable perspectives and views
* Tray support under Windows and Linux
* Full keyboard controls
* Look and Feel support
* Physical/logical separation: navigate into physical directories or into logical genres, artists, albums, tracks
* Collection charts and stats
* Wikipedia view displays artist discography
* Multi-language

Covers support
* Visual catalog of all albums by covers
* Auto-covers grabbing from the web with possibility to store them on the disk or make them a default cover

Playlist support
* Dynamic playlist creation by drag and drop
* Bestof special playlist
* Bookmarks special playlist
* Novelties special playlist
* Prepare party


Jajuk is a Java Swing application. It requires JRE 1.5 minimum. Sound engine is pluggable. Mplayer is now the default sound engine but JavaZoom sound APIs can also be used. Jajuk Tags engine is currently Entagged. Jajuk depends on many others Open Source projects including Entagged, MPlayer, SwingX, Jdic, VLDocking, QDWizard, JIntellitype.


Jajuk is part of the [http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/common-jukebox common-jukebox] project with two other audio player Java softwares called aTunes and [http://melloware.com/products/jukes/index.html Jukes] .

See also

*Comparison of media players

External links

* [http://jajuk.info/ Jajuk homepage]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/jajuk/ SourceForge Project Page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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