BN Biscuit

BN Biscuit

The BN Biscuit (or snack), usually just BN, is a type of biscuit. It has a filling, for example chocolate, sandwiched between two biscuits; it was launched in 1997 and acquired by United Biscuits in 1998. [ [ United Biscuits ] ]

BNs are produced in two different shapes: circles and rounded squares. There are also four different faces which they each also have on the top side of the biscuit. There are six different flavours of the BN biscuit: chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, raspberry, apricot and milk chocolate. They also come in a Mini BN variety. In the UK they have stopped being produced for unknown reasons.

When BN was relaunched in September 1999, there was an advertising campaign with the name "BN BN" sung along to the tune of catchy Mah Nà Mah Nà.

BN is an acronym for Biscuiterie Nantaise. It is often said that "tu sais que tu viens de Nantes, si tu es fier de manger des BNs, car tu sais que ca veut dire le Biscuiterie Nantaise" which translates to "You know that you come from Nantes, if you are proud to eat BNs, because you know that it means the Nantes Biscuit factory."


External links

BN advert on youtube: [ version 1] and [ version 2] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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