

Infobox Former Subdivision
native_name =
conventional_long_name = Szilágy County
common_name = Szilágy
subdivision = County
nation = the Kingdom of Hungary
p1 =
s1 =
year_start = 1876
event_end = Treaty of Trianon
year_end = 1920
date_end = June 4

capital = Zilah
stat_area1 = 3815
stat_pop1 = 230100
stat_year1 = 1910
today = Romania
footnotes = Zalău is the current name of the capital.

Szilágy (Romanian: Sălaj) is the name of a historic administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is presently in north-western Romania. The capital of the county was Zilah (present-day Zalău in Romania).


Szilágy county shared borders with the Hungarian counties Bihar, Szatmár, Szolnok-Doboka and Kolozs. The rivers Someş/Szamos and Crasna/Kraszna flow through the county. Its territory is for a large part the same as that of the present Romanian county Sălaj. Its area was 3815 km² around 1910.


Szilágy county was formed in 1876, when the counties Kraszna and Közép-Szolnok were united.

In 1918 (confirmed by the Treaty of Trianon 1920), the county became part of Romania. It was occupied by Hungary between 1940-1944 during World War II. Most of it is now part of the Romanian county Sălaj, except some areas in the north-west (presently in Satu Mare county) and north-east (presently in Maramureş county).


In 1910, county had a population of 230,140 people. Population by language:
*Romanian = 136,087
*Hungarian = 87,312
*Slovak = 3,727


In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Szilágy county were:

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