Olli Hokkanen

Olli Hokkanen

Infobox Person
name=Olli Hokkanen

image_size = 150 px
birth_date=birth date and age|1987|01|15
birth_place=Mikkeli, Finland

Olli Mikko Hokkanen (born January 15, 1987) is a young man from Mikkeli, Finland, who became an internet phenomenon in Finland after failing his attempt to drink 1.5 litres of Coca-Cola on the television show "Ennätystehdas" ("Record Factory").

The Coke-drinking attempt

On the television broadcast of November 19, 2006, Hokkanen attempted to drink 1.5 litres of Coca-Cola that was poured into seven regular-sized glasses. No specific time limit was set, since there was no knowledge of an existing record for drinking 1.5 litres of Coke in Finland. Hokkanen abandoned his effort after drinking three glasses. After the third glass of Coke, Hokkanen commented on the high carbonic acid level of the drink, by saying the now famous words, "Ei pysty, on niin hapokasta" ("Can't do it, it's so acidic"). The host asked him whether or not he was surprised at the fact that Coca-Cola contains carbonic acid. Hokkanen then explained that at home he usually keeps his bottles open for some time so that the drink becomes less 'acidic' and thus easier to drink. Prior to the attempt Hokkanen had said that he was an experienced Coke drinker since early childhood.

The phenomenon

After the broadcast of the seventh episode of "Ennätystehdas", the Internet phenomenon started to emerge. The YouTube video-sharing service was the most important distribution channel for the video, which has been watched over one million times (as of July 2007). In addition to the video, new edited video clips, edited images and pieces of music related to the event appeared. T-shirts with a text "Can't do it – too acidic" in Finnish have been sold.http://www.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/200612275511543_uu.shtml Iltalehti 12-27-2006] Hokkanen also claims that rubber masks resembling him have been made. [Ajankohtainen Kakkonen - TV program on channel YLE2, 04-24-2007]

Hokkanen himself says that "the publicity has had more benefits than disadvantages". Later he even said that the phenomenon is like winning a lottery. [Ajankohtainen Kakkonen - TV program on channel YLE2, 04-24-2007] He says that it feels nice when people stop him on the street, take photos and ask him how is he doing. At one point, a bunch of 18-year-old girls arrived at his front door, he claims.http://www.city.fi/artikkeli/Olli+Hokkanen/2183/ City-lehti 1/2007] Olli's parents did not like the idea of their son appearing on "Ennätystehdas". When they heard what had happened during the record-setting attempt they got angry, and even considered preventing the material from being broadcast. Both the Coca-Cola company itself and Olvi, a Finnish brewery, have asked Hokkanen to advertise their products. There have also been efforts to get Olli to appear on two television shows, one being "Salatut elämät".

Hokkanen has been interviewed for numerous magazines and newspapers. Hokkanen thinks that he would have had even more publicity had he succeeded in his attempt . However, a reporter of the tabloid Iltalehti, who made a story about him, writes that the failure in the attempt and words Hokkanen used to explain it have been the reason for his fame. Even though Hokkanen failed, people who saw the television program voted him to be the best record breaker of the episode. He also eventually co-hosted the end of year summary episode of "Ennätystehdas".

Media reports have also told something about Hokkanen's private life. His hobbies include editing videos. He hopes to become professional some day. His first film, "Viina ja sen seuraukset" ("Booze and its Consequences"), will be finished in 2008. [ [http://www.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/200806127786265_uu.shtml Kola-Ollin kokispullo vaihtui kameraan, Iltalehti, 12th June, 2008] ] Hokkanen also goes to the local casino twice a week. He thinks playing at the casino is an exciting hobby but he also claims he could live without it. [Ajankohtainen Kakkonen - TV program on channel YLE2, 04-24-2007] According to his homepage Hokkanen's hobby is working as a light controller at a children's theatre. He has practised this for five years.

Later events related to phenomenon

On December 30, Hokkanen, now called "Kola-Olli", attempted to drink 1.5 litres of Coke again in a new attempt organised by the tabloid Ilta-Sanomat. This time he succeeded in drinking every glass in one and a half minutes. According to the article the bottle had been opened about 45 minutes before the attempt. "Hokkanen seemed more determined as the attempt proceeded further," wrote the reporter. [Ilta-Sanomat 12-30-2006]

By January 4, 2700 people had signed an Internet petition that asked the Coca-Cola company to reduce the 'acidity' of Coca-Cola so it would be easier to drink. The man who started the petition wrote, "What is the reason to make Coke too acidic for record breaking purposes?" Hokkanen himself has signed the petition. [Ilta-Sanomat 12-4-2007] In another Internet petition signers demanded a statue of Hokkanen to be erected in his home town of Mikkeli. [http://www.adressit.com/ollihokkanen A petition for statue] Hokkanen said that the idea about the statue feels horrifying but he does not object it either. [Ajankohtainen Kakkonen - TV program on channel YLE2, 04-24-2007]

On December 16, the Internet site named "Olli Hokkanen Open" was started. It is an open Coke-drinking contest in which competitors send videos in which they either fail or succeed to drink 0.5 or 1.5 litres of Coke.

During 2007 Hokkanen was a judge at the Finnish Coke-drinking championship tour, which was hosted by Perttu Sirviö, the winner of the first season of the Finnish "Big Brother" reality TV show. [Ajankohtainen Kakkonen - TV program on channel YLE2, 04-24-2007]

The prime minister of Finland, Matti Vanhanen, commented Kola Olli's opinion about Coca Cola Light. The prime minister enjoys light cola while Kola Olli dislikes it. The prime minister stated that "I noticed Kola Olli didn't like sugar free cola, but enjoyed light version. I completely disagree".

On April 1, 2007, Hokkanen appeared in a TV show "Se on siinä". In it, he tasted different drinks, and said what he thought about them. On April 18, Hokkanen appeared in "T-Klubi" talk show. On October 21, Hokkanen was in "Ennätystehdas" again and competed against Matti Myllylä, the championship of the Finnish Coke-drinking tour. They had to drink one litre as fast as they could. Myllylä drank the coke faster than Hokkanen.

On 2007, Hokkanen debuted as a "singer" in a compilation album "Suomen huonoin laulaja" ( _fi. The worst singer of Finland) with his song "Liian hapokasta". [http://www.stara.fi/?p=6836 Suomen huonoin laulaja]

Late 2007 Hokkanen was giving statements that he is not interested to be celebrity anymore. However, at 13th June 2008 the weekly supplement of leading Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat made a cover story about him. The three page story was about Hokkanen shooting an educational movie titled "Viina ja sen seuraukset" ("Booze and its Consequences"). Hokkanen has made a script for the film and is its director too. The film is mostly directed for the use of Finnish schools and libraries but it will be subtitled for five languages. The film is funded with the money Hokkanen got by selling his DVD collection at flea market. But he has also established a new production company, Mikkeli-filmi. Hokkanen claims that he will shoot a "Smurfs musical" next year. [NYT-liite, 06-13-2008, pages 14-17]

Child molestation accusations

Mikkeli police is investigating a case of 21-year-old filming an almost nude child and uploading the video to internet. Hokkanen has admitted filming a child, but claims having been forced to do so. Parents of the child made a police report and the indictment will be made in the near future. [cite web|url=http://www.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/200810028361964_uu.shtml|title=Olli "Kola-Olli" Hokkasta epäillään lapsen seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä|format=HTML|publisher=Iltalehti|accessdate=2008-10-04]


External links

*imdb name|id=2649054|name=Olli Hokkanen

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