Small Potatoes

Small Potatoes

Infobox Television episode | Title = Small Potatoes

Caption =
Series = The X-Files
Season = 4
Episode = 20
Airdate = April 20, 1997 (Fox)
Production = 4x20
Guests = Darin Morgan as Eddie Van Blundht
Christine Cavanaugh as Amanda Nelligan
Writer = Vince Gilligan
Director = Clifford Bole

Prev = Synchrony
Next = Zero Sum
"Small Potatoes" is the twentieth episode of the fourth season of television series "The X-Files". A town in West Virginia is “blessed” by babies being born with tails. Mulder and Scully arrive only to encounter a suspect who seems to have the ability to alter his appearance at will.

He uses Mulder's physical appearance to try to date Scully, who along with Skinner, have no idea that Mulder is not who he says he is. When he tries to kiss Scully at the end of the episode, the real Mulder breaks down the door. Scully is shocked to see a Mulder at the door, and another Mulder on her couch.Guest Stars: Darin Morgan as Eddie Van Blundht,Christine Cavanaugh as Amanda Nelligan


Gillian Anderson was voted "Most Likely to be Arrested" by her classmates in high school, she was arrested on graduation night for trying to glue the locks shut at her high school.

The funny thing is that in this episode of X-files she tells to the wrong mulder (Eddie Van Blundt) that she has been arrested in high school.

References and external links

*imdb title|0751205|Small Potatoes
* [;title;19 Small Potatoes] at


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