Kongou Falls

Kongou Falls

Kongou Falls (also called the Koungou Falls) is a massive cataract about 2 to 3 miles wide located in Ivindo National Park in eastern Gabon. It is part of the Ivindo river and has a total height of 56 meters. It is the 928th biggest waterfall in the world.

It is reputed to be the most beautiful waterfall in Central Africa (some photos [http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/galleries/africaswildheart/ here] and [http://www.ivindo.org/images_en.html here] ). This part of the Ivindo River is a major centre of fish biodiversity. The falls are within Ivindo National Park, created in 2002 to protect among other things this beautiful and biodiverse stretch of river.

On 14 September 2007 President Omar Bongo Ondimba of Gabon confirmed that a dam would be built at the falls to provide electricity to a large iron mining project in Belinga further north. The iron mine is essentially for Gabon's economic development, but the dam will inundate a large part of the National Park, and have a serious impact on local livelihoods. Old studies indicate that there are other sites on the river where a dam would be easier to build and the environmental and social impacts would be much less than at Kongou, but no Environmental impact assessment was done before the decision was made. The decision will likely put into question the President's strategy of developing ecotourism in Gabon and may well deter investors and tourists alike.

It is [http://www.brainforest.org/barragesurkongou.html alleged] that the construction of the dam with no prior study or proper consultation is a sign of the growing power of the Minister of Mines and Petrol at a time when President Bongo's power is declining and people are positioning themselves for the eventual succession.

External links

* [http://www.world-waterfalls.com/waterfall.php?num=868 World Waterfalls Database entry on Kongou falls]
* [http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/galleries/africaswildheart/ National Geographic Photos]
* [http://www.ivindo.org/ivindo_en.html FIGET ecotourism]
* [http://www.brainforest.org/barragesurkongou.html Brainforest]

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