Suzanne Doucet

Suzanne Doucet

Suzanne Doucet is an award winning composer and producer from Germany. She was born in Tuebingen (Germany) in 1944. She went to school in Meersburg/Bodensee, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Hamburg and Munich (college). Her mother and her grandmother both named Helen von Muenchhofen were actresses. Her grandmother played in the history making silent movie Metropolis. Suzanne's father Friedrich Doucet was a disciple of the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung and became a well known author of over 40 books on parapsychology and other topics. Before Suzanne started her career in the music business she worked as a designer and painter in Ascona (Switzerland). She moved to Munich in 1962 and studied in Paris in 1963. She played the leading part in a theater comedy in Stuttgart(Germany)in 1963 and was discovered by the record company Metronome. Her first Hit record was the German version of "Be my Baby" (The Ronnettes) in 1964. Suzanne Doucet's over 40 years in the world of New Age music have provided her with incomparable knowledge, experience and contacts. Beyond being co-founder and CEO of Only New Age Music, Inc., and, Suzanne is an international recording and performing artist whose background encompasses being a prime time TV "Pop Show" hostess (guests included the BeeGees, Grateful Dead, Keith Emerson, David Bowie), a songwriter & composer, script writer, sound designer, producer, A&R record label executive, music publisher, label owner & manager, marketing consultant, and retailer. Together with her husband James Bell, Suzanne owned and operated the world-famous specialized audio gallery "Only New Age Music" in Los Angeles for 5 years.She owns and operates now - the #1 online source for New Age Music and represents digital rights (streaming, downloads and webcasting) to major internet players as well as the portal site Her latest recording credits include "Resonance" with Gary Miraz as well as the audio series "Sounds of Nature" and "Tranquility" combining the state-of-the-art binaural recordings of Chuck Plaisance with her music. Seven of their titles made it into the top ten environmental charts at, including "Ocean Waves" and "Thunderstorm" being #1 and #2 for over two years. Shirley Maclaine used Suzanne's music on her best-selling video and audiocassette titled "Inner Workout" and "Going Within". Suzanne also produced and directed the award winning video "Starflight" together with well known video and documentary producer Chris Toussaint. Suzanne has been a creative consultant to hundreds of artists, producers, record labels, radio programmers, distributors and music retailers. Her clients include such as Golana, Constance Demby, Ray, Liquid Mind, David and Steve Gordon, Armen Chakmakian (Shadowfax), Tajalli, Michael Hoppé, Christopher Franke and many others. Suzanne founded the International New Age Music Network in 1987. She produced and directed three International Conferences and the first New Age/World Music Festival at the Wiltern Theater (featuring artists such as Paul Horn, Steven Halpern, Tim Wheater, Jai Uttal a.o.).In the New Age Music Guide published by MacMillan it says: "...explorers, who helped lay the groundwork for what we now term New Age Music include Kitaro, Andreas Vollenweider, Vangelis, Georg Deuter, Klaus Schulze, Paul Horn, Suzanne Doucet, Brian Eno and Paul Winter."
Life Magazine began their report on New Age Music with a quote from Suzanne, while specialized Keyboard Magazine acknowledged Suzanne for having "the most authoritative view on New Age Music," and the LA Times devoted a full page article to Suzanne in their Sunday Calendar section.Magazines and TV production companies have interviewed her for their publications in Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea.Suzanne was part of the Presidential/Key Executive MBA Program at Pepperdine University, where she studied business administration. In Munich, Suzanne studied Psychology, at the Institute for Esoteric Psychology, as well as Composition at the Munich State Conservatory.

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