- Peter Koelewijn
Peter Koelewijn (born
29 december ,1940 inEindhoven ,the Netherlands ) is a founding father ofDutch language rock and roll . Koelewijn is also a successful producer andsongwriter for other Dutch artists. His most famous song is "Kom van dat dak af" ('Come Off That Roof').Peter Koelewijn was born on the
29 December , the son of a fishmonger in the southern Dutch city ofEindhoven . At the age of thirteen he received his first guitar. In 1957 he started writing his first songs in English. He started his first band at secondary school with guitaristsKarel Jansen andRoelof Egmond and singerAnneke Grönloh . Later,Harry van Hoof (who later became a famous conductor), and drummerPeter van der Voort , joined the band. Around the same time, Grönloh quit. In 1959, the band, now called 'Peter And His Rockets', were joined bysaxophone playerKlaus Buchholz andbass guitar istKarel Janssen . In December the band recorded "Kom Van Dat Dak Af" ('Come Off That Roof') for record companyBovema . The combination of American rock and roll and Dutch lyrics was unheard of at the time. In May 1960, "Kom Van Dat Dak Af" was a big success in boththe Netherlands andBelgium . Koelewijn, who moved on to grammar school, was told by his parents that he had to finish his schooling. Peter and His Rockets signed toPhilips . The singles "Laat Me Los" ('Let Me Go') and "Marijke" were also hits, although less successful than "Kom Van Dat Dak Af".The rockets were broken up and reformed three times. In 1967 Koelewijn decided to break up the Rockets because of a lack of success. They went on tour again in 1971, and broke up again in 1975. In 1981, Koelewijn formed a new line-up of the Rockets with musicians from the band "Bunny" and released the live album "Peter Live"; they broke up again in 1997. In 2002, Peter and his Rockets kicked off a reunion tour of seven shows.
* "New Country Love Songs". In collaboration with Grant & Forsyth. 2001
* "Out Of Africa". Koelewijn assists Belgian singerHelmut Lotti in making Lotti's album of South African songs. 1999
* "Het Album" ('The Album'). An album of songs performed by the cast of a popular Dutchsoap opera , among those involved was Koelewijn. 1995.
* "Diep Water" ('Deep Water'). Unsuccessful. 1984.
* "Peter Live". Live album of Peter and his Rockets. 1981.
* "Het beste in mij is niet goed genoeg voor jou" ('The Best In Me Is Not Good Enough For You'). 1977Singles
* 1960 "Kom Van Dat Dak Af" - "Laat Me Los" ('Let Me Go') - "Marijke"
* 1968 "Waarom Zei Je Niets?" ('Why Didn't You Say Anything?')
* 1969 "Loekie Loekie"
* 1970 "The Bull And I"
* 1971 "Kom Van Dat Dak Af" (first re-release)
* 1972 "Angeline" - "Mij Oh Mij" - "Nassibal" - "Serafina" - "Veronica Sorry"
* 1974 "240042"
* 1974 "Veronica Sorry"
* 1977 "Je Wordt Ouder Papa" ('You're Getting Older Daddy')
* 1979 "Niet Geschoten Is Altijd Mis" ('Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained')
* 1981 "Kom Van Dat Dak Af" (live version; second re-release) - "Klap Maar In Je Handen" ('Clap Your Hands') (live version) - "Van Washington Naar Moskou" ('From Washington to Moskow')
* 1982 "Zolang De Motor Loopt" ('As Long As The Motor Is Running')
* 1983 "De Tijger Is Los" ('The Tiger Is Loose'), played by Peter and his Rockets - "Een Hete Zomer" ('A Hot Summer'), played by Peter and his Rockets
* 1984 "Sprong In Het Duister" ('Leap In The Dark')
* 1986 "Big Ben (of Nôtre Dame) forEurovision Songcontest inBrussels, Belgium " - "Buiten Jou" ('Outside You') for Eurovision - "Rechtop In De Wind" ('Straight Up In The Wind') for Eurovision
* 1989 "Kom Van Dat Dak Af" (third re-release) - "My Roof Is Rainproof" for the Dutch film "Jan Rap en zijn Maat".
* 1990 "Allemaal Naar Voren! ('t Bestuur Ook!)" ('Everybody Forward! (Including The Management)') in collaboration withFerdi Lancee
* 1994 "I Love You Too" in collaboration withHelmut Lotti
* 1995 "Een Minuut Nog Voor Een Leven Lang" ('One Minute More For An Entire Life') - "Utopia"Awards
Edison music award — 1977
*Gouden Harp — 1977References and external links
* [http://www.peterkoelewijn.nl peterkoelewijn.nl]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.