GAI (ГАИ pronounced guy-EE) stands for "State automobile inspectorate" ( _ru. Государственная автомобильная инспекция, translit. "Gosudarstvennya Avtomobilnaya Inspektsyya") and is the Russian traffic police. They are responsible for the regulation of traffic, investigating traffic accidents, and manning the stop lights. GAI officers are called "GAI inspectors" in Russia.

Other names

* "Departament of Ensuring Road Traffic Safety of MVD of Russia" ( _ru. Департамент обеспечения безопасности дорожного движения МВД России, ДОБДД) abbreviated as DOBDD
* "State Inspection for Road Traffic Safety" ( _ru. Государственная Инспекция по безопасности дорожного движения) abbreviated abbreviated as GIBDD

ee also


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  • gai — gai …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • gai — gai, gaie [ ge; gɛ ] adj. • v. 1170; got. °gâheis « rapide, vif » 1 ♦ (Êtres vivants) Qui a de la gaieté. ⇒ allègre, content, enjoué, espiègle, folâtre, 1. gaillard, guilleret, hilare, jovial, joyeux , mutin, réjoui, rieur, souriant. Elle « était …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • gai — gai, gaie (ghé, ghée) adj. 1°   Qui a de la gaieté. •   Un jour, gaie et l esprit plus content que jaloux, Je suivais en Argos cet infidèle époux, ROTR. Herc. mour. II, 2. •   C est, dit Tertullien, à la vérité seule qu il appartient de railler,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • Gai — may refer to:*Gay (disambiguation) *Gai, Austria, a town in the district of Leoben in Styria *Gruppo GAI, an Italian company constructing of machines for the bottling of quality wines *The Cantonese word for chicken, also used as Cantonese slang… …   Wikipedia

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  • gai — s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  GAI s.n. (mar.) Parâmă cu ajutorul căreia se manevrează sau se fixează o bigă în planul orizontal. [< engl. guy]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN  gai1, s.m. ( …   Dicționar Român

  • gai|e|ty — «GAY uh tee», noun, plural ties. 1. the state or quality of being gay; cheerful liveliness; merriment; joyousness: »Her gaiety helped to make the party a success. SYNONYM(S): jollity, joviality. 2. gay entertainment: »the gaieties of a country… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gai Qi — (Chinese: 改琦; 1774 1829) was a poet and painter born in the west of China under the Qing dynasty. As an artist he was active in Shanghai. In painting his works mainly concerned plants, beauty, and figures. However he also did numerous landscapes …   Wikipedia

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