- Billou-Stillwell-Perine House
The Billou-Stillwell-Perine House located at 1476 Richmond Road,
Staten Island, New York is probably the oldest Dutch Colonial structure still standing on the island, dating to circa 1679. Built by Pierre Billou, one of the original Dutch settlers and the founder of Old Dorp (Old Town)in 1661, the home is owned by theStaten Island Historical Society .It is reputed to be haunted by ghosts. It is very rarely open to the public on select occasions.
External links
* [http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/online_books/explorers/sitee21.htm National Park Service]
* [http://www.geocities.com/qvarizona/Bilyeu.html SI Historical Society article]
* [http://www.neighborhoodpreservationcenter.org/db/bb_files/BILLIOU-STILLWELL-PERRINE.pdf Neighborrhood Preservation Center, NY, NY]
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