Piper PA-12

Piper PA-12

The Piper PA-12 "Super Cruiser" was an upgraded Piper J-5 aircraft.

The PA-12 was powered by a 100 hp Lycoming O-235 engine, was fully cowled, and had a metal sparred wing with two 18 gallon fuel tanks. It sported a red and cream paint design. Many PA-12s have been modified with larger engines and wing flaps.

When Piper dropped the J- designation system in exchange for the PA- system, the J-5C became the PA-12 "Super Cruiser". The Super Cruiser was more popular than the basic J-5A. They sold for $2,995 each. In 1947, two PA-12s flew around the world, and the worst mechanical failure they suffered was a cracked tailwheel. More than a thousand still fly today.

pecifications (PA-12)

aircraft specifications
plane or copter?= plane
jet or prop?= prop
crew=One, pilot
capacity=Two passengers
payload main=
payload alt=
length main= 22 ft 10 in
length alt= 6.96 m
span main= 35 ft 5.5 in
span alt= 10.81 m
height main= 6 ft 10 in
height alt= 2.08 m
area main=
area alt=

empty weight main= 950 lbs
empty weight alt= 432 kg
loaded weight main=
loaded weight alt=
useful load main=
useful load alt=
max takeoff weight main= 1,750 lbs
max takeoff weight alt= 795 kg
more general=
* Propellor Diameter: 76 in (1.93 m)
* Wing Chord: 63 in (1.60 m)
* Baggage Capacity: 41 lb (18.7 kg)

engine (prop)= Lycoming O-235
type of prop=4-cylinder air-cooled horizontally-opposed piston engine
number of props=1
power main= 100 hp
power alt= 74 kW
power original=

max speed main=
max speed alt=
cruise speed main= 91 knots
cruise speed alt= 105 mph, 169 km/h
never exceed speed main=
never exceed speed alt=
stall speed main= 42 knots
stall speed alt= 49 mph, 79 km/h
range main= 521 nm
range alt= 600 mi, 965 km
ceiling main= 12,600 ft
ceiling alt= 3,840 m
climb rate main= 600 ft/min
climb rate alt= 3.05 m/s
climb rate more= at sea level
loading main= 9.8 lb/ft²
loading alt= 47.9 kg/m²
power/mass main=17.5 hp/lb
power/mass alt= 10.74 W/kg
more performance=
* Min. Take-off Run: 720 ft (220 m)
* Min. Landing Roll: 470 ft (143 m)

ee also

* Piper J-3 Cub
* Piper J-5
similar aircraft=



see also=

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