Helm, Stuart — (USA) Contemporary illustrator and designer. Erotic illustrator who specializes in images of explicit sex, sometimes mixed with violence and including images of shemales and females in fetishwear. Creator of the comic book Sybiana … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Mill, John Stuart: Ethics and politics — J.S.Mill Ethics and politics R.F.Khan ON LIBERTY John Stuart Mill’s mature views on ethics and politics are to be found in On Liberty (published in 1859), Utilitarianism (1861), Considerations on Representative Government (1861) and The… … History of philosophy
Darren Helm — Kanada Darren Helm Personenbezogene Informationen Geburtsdatum 21. Januar 1987 Geburtsort St. Andrews, Manitoba, Kanada … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brigitte Helm — (1934) Brigitte Helm (* 17. März 1906, nach anderen Quellen 17. März 1908, in Berlin; † 11. Juni 1996 in Ascona; eigentlich Brigitte Eva Gisela Schittenhelm) war eine deutsche Filmschauspielerin. Bekannt ist sie vor allem für ihre Rolle in dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brad Stuart — Kanada Brad Stuart Personenbezogene Informationen Geburtsdatum 6. November 1979 Geburtsort Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Kanada … Deutsch Wikipedia
Henry Stuart Foote — Daguerreotypie von Henry Stuart Foote aus dem Jahr 1844 Henry Stuart Foote (* 28. Februar 1804 im Fauquier County, Virginia; † 20. Mai 1880 in Nashville, Tennessee) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kenneth Stuart — Infobox Military Person name= Kenneth Stuart caption=Brigadier Kenneth Stuart Credit: National Film Board of Canada. Photothèque / Library and Archives Canada rank=Brigadier General branch= Canadian Army commands= Chief of the General Staff, RMC… … Wikipedia
Frederick Stuart Church — (1842 ndash;1924) was an American artist, working mainly as an illustrator and especially known for his (often allegorical) depiction of animals. BiographyHe was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His father was an important figure in politics as… … Wikipedia
Hiram G. Andrews — Infobox Governor name= Hiram G. Andrews caption= order=125th office= Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives term start= 1955–1956, 1959 term end= 1962 predecessor= Charles C. Smith (1st) W. Stuart Helm (2nd) successor= W. Stuart… … Wikipedia
Robert K. Hamilton — Infobox State Representative name = Robert K. Hamilton caption = order = 127th title = Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives term start = 1965 term end = 1966 predecessor = W. Stuart Helm successor = Kenneth B. Lee state house2 =… … Wikipedia