Kenneth B. Lee

Kenneth B. Lee

name= Kenneth B. Lee

office= Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
term_start= 1967 - 1968, 1973
term_end= 1974
predecessor= Robert K. Hamilton (1st)
Herbert Fineman (2nd)
successor= Herbert Fineman (1st)
Herbert Fineman (2nd)
party= Republican

Kenneth B. Lee is a former Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Lee was first elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1957 [] . Prior to being elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Lee was in his third year as District Attorney of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.

Lee was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He was a United States Air Force pilot stationed in Italy during World War II. He graduated from Mansfield State University and Dickinson School of Law [] .

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