Los Kitos

Los Kitos

Los Kitos is a comic strip. It is the brain-child of Martha Montoya, who began drawing in her native country, Colombia. Los Kitos is derived from the Spanish term “muñequitos" meaning little dolls or cartoons.

Los Kitos were published for the first time in La Opinion and now is in over 300 newspapers around the world. [cite web| url=http://www.unitedmedia.com/b2b/html/press_release/pr_1_10_07.html |publisher=United Media |title=Press release |date=2007-01-10 |accessdate=2008-03-01 ] You can see them locally through their website and in Newspapers In Education, also with La Opinion. Martha and her characters are on the 1020AM Univision airwaves every day at 6AM giving "consejos" and fun topics about and for kids.

Some of Los Kitos clients include:Good Humor Ice Cream, Bank of America, State Farm, White Memorial Hospital, Blue Cross of California (WellPoint) and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers


During this artistically creative incubation period, she continued to work hard at bringing the Los Kitos comic strip to the printed page. With the help of Ben De Soto, a member of the National Cartoonist Society, Mr. De Soto took Martha's stick figured concepts and developed and refined the characters for the syndicated publication of the comic strip, creating the artwork for the comic strips with Martha's ideas for the first few years of the strips development in syndication.

Additional reading

*" [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB873824845149944000.html?mod=googlewsj 'Los Kitos' Comic Strip Proves A Hit With the Latino Market] ", Julio Laboy, Wall Street Journal, September 10, 1997.
*"Latina Cartoonist Draws on Her Heritage", Lee Romney, Los Angeles Times, August 19, 1998.
*"Cartoonist's comic strip delivers life lessons in two languages", Laura Saari, Knight Ridder, November 4, 1998.
*"'Los Kitos' comic strip offers food for thought", Editor & Publisher, May 22, 2000.
*"Cartoonist Martha Montoya Persistence Helped Her Draw Attention To An Untapped Latino Market", Sean Higgins, Investor's Business Daily, June 6, 2001.
*"Cartoons in Spanish to help sell produce: Popular 'Los Kitos' characters market fruit to Hispanic shoppers", Dennis Pollock, Fresno Bee, June 17, 2003.

External links

* http://loskitos.com
* http://www.unitedmedia.com/b2b/html/loskitos.html

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