Somali National Front

Somali National Front

The Somali National Front (SNF) was a political revolutionary movement and armed militia, initially made up of loyalists to Siad Barre, and the remnants of the Somali National Army forces after his ouster from office. Their intent and goal was to recapture Mogadishu and reinstate the regime of Siad Barre.

Later, under General Omar Hagi Masallah, the SNF united the Marehan with the other Darod led by General Mohamed Said Hersi "Morgan" then attempted to conquer the region around Kismayo, to form the autonomous district of Jubaland.

* Leaders: General Siad Barre, Mohammed Said Samatar "Gacaliye", Ahmed Sheikh Ali Ahmed "Burale", Dr. Ali Nur, Gen Omar Hagi Massale, General Mohammed Hashi Gaani, Col Barre Hiiraale, Col. Abdirizak Issak Bihi.
* Area of Operations: Southern and Central Somalia; occasional forays to outskirts of Mogadishu and neighboring borders.
* Tribal Affiliation: Marehan (Mareehaan)
* Founded: March 1991

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