

infobox software
name = KTouch

caption = The KDE4 version of KTouch
developer = Håvard Frøiland
latest_release_version = 1.7.1
latest_release_date = 11 January, 2008
operating_system = Cross-platform
platform = KDE
genre = Educational
license = GNU General Public License
website = http://ktouch.sourceforge.net/

KTouch is a software application written for the KDE desktop environment that drills students in the method of touch typing. It comes with lessons for many different keyboard layouts across many different languages. It even has exercises for learning to use a number pad. As the user types, it keeps real-time statistics of how well they do. If the user does well enough, KTouch moves up to the next lesson. The user can also manually advance to the next lesson themselves.


KTouch is very customizable. The user can set how well they must do in order to advance to the next lesson, add new layouts and languages, and change the lessons with the built-in editor. There is also a statistics window which contains a histogram of the user's typing speed, in words per minute or characters per minute, and many other statistics. The statistics window also keeps track of how well the user does on individual keys so they know which keys they need to practice.

Although KTouch was designed for the KDE desktop environment, it still works in other window managers such as GNOME or IceWM.

See also

* kdeedu

External links

* [http://ktouch.sourceforge.net/ Project home page]
* [http://edu.kde.org/ktouch/ KDE-Edu Project home page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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