

Caban was launched by Club Monaco as their lifestyle brand in October of 2000, in three major Canadian cities; Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, with another location opening in Calgary and Edmonton. Caban established itself as an innovative and unique retailer, with a distinctive product mix and presentation philosophy. Caban offered a complete product range for modern living, including furniture, tabletop, home accessories, bed and bath and apparel. The result was a modern, edited collection of product that reflected good design.

Caban was a offspring of Club Monaco, and Joe Mimran, who was the founder of club Monaco. In 2000, just after the launch, Club Monaco/Caban was purchased by Ralph Lauren, and began to loose focus and Mr. Mimran was ousted. In the summer of 2006, Ralph Lauren Corp. choose to close all of the Caban stores and focus on the Club Monaco in the United States. The last store to close was the flagship store on Queen St. west in Toronto.

Caban opened its first lifestyle concept store in the historical landmark Laurentian Bank building located at 777 St. Catherine Street (corner of McGill College) Saturday, December 9th, 2000. Then closed the branch in 2004, after which Banana Republic opened their flagship Quebec store.

Caban website, default []

Globe and Mail, caban closing []

Montreal Caban opening []

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