- Ulmus procera
status = LC
name = "Ulmus procera"
image_caption = English Elm, Preston Park, Brighton.
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo =Rosales
familia =Ulmaceae
genus = "Ulmus "
species = "U. procera"
binomial = "Ulmus procera"
binomial_authority =Salisb.
synonyms =
*"Ulmus atinia" Walker
*"Ulmus campestris" L., Loudon, Planch., Moss
*"Ulmus minor" var. "vulgaris" Richens
*"Ulmus sativa" Mill.
*"Ulmus suberosa" Smith, Loudon, Lindley
*"Ulmus surculosa" Stokes var. "latifolia" Stokes, Ley"Ulmus procera" Salisb., the English Elm or Atinian Elm was, before the advent of
Dutch elm disease , one of the largest and fastest-growingdeciduous tree s in Europe. A survey of genetic diversity inSpain ,Italy and theUK Cogulludo-Agustin, M. A., Agundez, D. & Gil, L. (2000) Identification of native and hybrid elms in Spain using isozyme gene markers; "Heredity", August 2000, vol. 85. Nature Publishing Group, London. ] [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3959561.stm] revealed that the English Elms are genetically identical, clones of a single tree, the Atinian Elm once widely used for training vines.Description
The tree often exceeded 40 m in height with a trunk up to 2 m d.b.hdiameter Bean, W. J. (1981). "Trees and shrubs hardy in Great Britain". Murray, London.] . The largest specimen ever recorded in England, at
Forthampton Court, nearTewkesbury , was 46 m tall Elwes, H. J. & Henry, A. (1913). "The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland". Vol. VII. pp 1848-1929. Private publication. [http://fax.libs.uga.edu/QK488xE4/7tgbi/] ] .The leaves are dark green, almost orbicular, < 10 cm long, without the pronounced acuminate tip at the apex typical of the genus. Wind-pollinated, the small, reddish-purple hermaphroditeflower s are withoutpetals , and appear in early spring before the leaves . The tree does not produce fertileseed , and propagation is entirely byroot suckers Richens, R. H. (1983). "Elm". Cambridge University Press ] Stace, C. A. (1997). "New Flora of the British Isles". Cambridge University Press.] White, J. & More, D. (2002). "Trees of Britain & Northern Europe". Cassell's, London ] .Pests and diseases
Owing to its homogeneity, the tree has proven particularly susceptible to
Dutch elm disease , but immature trees remain a common feature in the English countryside courtesy of the ability to sucker from roots. After about 20 years, these too become infected by the fungus and killed back to ground level. English Elm was the first elm to begenetically engineered to resist disease, at theUniversity of Abertay Dundee [http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4246134-103690,00.html] . It was an ideal subject for such an experiment, as its sterility meant there was no danger of its introgression into the countryside.The leaves of the English Elm are mined by "
Stigmella ulmivora "Cultivation
Although there is no record of its introduction to Britain, th tree probably arrived with the Romans, a hypothesis supported by the discovery of pollen in an excavated Roman vineyard. .
Brighton and the 'cordon sanitaire'
Although the English Elm population in Britain was decimated by Dutch elm disease. Despite this, mature trees can still be found in the south coast
Dutch Elm Disease Management Area inEast Sussex . This 'cordon sanitaire', aided by the prevailing south westerly onshore winds and the topographical niche formed by theSouth Downs , has saved many mature elms. Amongst these are possibly the world's oldest surviving English Elms, known as the 'Preston Twins' in Preston Park, both with trunks exceeding 600 cm in circumference (2.0 md.b.h. ).Notable trees
Mature English Elms are now only very rarely found beyond Brighton. Until circa
2006 several large trees survived in theRoyal Botanic Garden Edinburgh but these too died when the area succumbed to the northward advance of Dutch elm disease. As a consequence of Empire, some of the most significant remaining stands are to be found overseas, notably inAustralia Spencer, R., Hawker, J. and Lumley, P. (1991). "Elms in Australia". Australia: Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. ISBN 0724199624 ] where they line the streets ofMelbourne , protected bygeography andquarantine fromdisease . However, many of these trees, now over 100 years old, are succumbing to old age, and are being replaced with new trees raised by material from the older trees budded onto Wych Elm "Ulmus glabra " rootstock Fitzgibbon, J. (2006) Royal Parade Elm Replacement. "Elmwatch", Vol. 16 No. 1, March 2006. ] . The tree has been widely planted inNew Zealand , and is still commonly found inAuckland where it is regarded at its best as a street tree Auckland Botanical Society (2003). "Journal" Vol. 58 (1), June 2003. ISSN 0113-41332 ] . In theUSA , several fine trees survive inNew York City , notably theHangman's Elm inWashington Square Park Barnard, E. S. (2002). "New York City Trees". Columbia University Press] .Uses
The English Elm was once valued for many purposes, notably as water pipes from hollowed trunks, owing to its resistance to rot in saturated conditions. However, it is chiefly remembered today for its aesthetic contribution to the English countryside, where it sometimes occurred in densities of over 1000 per square kilometre. "Its true value as a landscape tree may be best estimated by looking down from an eminence in almost any part of the valley of the Thames, or of the Severn below Worcester, during the latter half of November, when the bright golden colour of the lines of elms in the hedgerows is one of the most striking scenes that England can produce" Elwes, H. J. & Henry, A. (1913). "The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland". Vol. VII. pp 1848-1929. Private publication. [http://fax.libs.uga.edu/QK488xE4/7tgbi/] ] .
There has been a small number of cultivars raised since the early 19th century Green, P. S. (1964). Registration of cultivar names in Ulmus. "Arnoldia", Vol. 24. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University. [http://arnoldia.arboretum.harvard.edu/pdf/articles/1605.pdf] ] , three of which have now almost certainly been lost to cultivation:
*Acutifolia, Argenteo-Variegata, Folia Aurea, Louis van Houtte, Pyramidalis.Accessions
North America
Longwood Gardens , acc. no. L-2507.
*Morton Arboretum , acc. nos. 211-40, 756-60, 351-70.Europe
Brighton & Hove City Council,NCCPG Elm Collection. UK champion: Preston Park, 15 m high (storm damaged), 201 cmd.b.h. in2001 Johnson, Owen (ed.) (2003). "Champion Trees of Britain & Ireland". Whittet Press,ISBN 9781873580615 .] . Brighton & Hove has some 700 trees; the most notable examples are at Preston Park, South Victoria Gardens, Royal Pavilion Gardens, The Level, St. Peter's Church, Holmes Avenue, Preston Road (A23), Elm Square (Patcham) and Hanover Crescent. More can be found in East Sussex along the Cuckmere Valley, Westdean village, along what is lnown as "The Cathedral Walk"; Litlington, Lullington and Alfriston.
*Grange Farm Arboretum,Sutton St. James ,Spalding ,Lincolnshire ,UK , acc. no. 518.
*Strona Arboretum [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulmus_lamellosa] , University of Life Sciences,Warsaw ,Poland .
*University of Copenhagen , Botanic Garden, one specimen, no details available.
*Westonbirt Arboretum [http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/infd-62qk8w] ,Tetbury , Glos.,UK , four trees, listed as "U. minor" var. "vulgaris" (no planting dates nor acc. nos. available).Australasia
Avenue of Honour ,Ballarat , Australia. Details not known.
*Eastwoodhill Arboretum [http://www.eastwoodhill.org.nz/gardens--collection/collection.aspx?Type=&G=Ulmus] ,Gisborne ,New Zealand , 12 trees, details not known.
*Waite Arboretum [http://www.waite.adelaide.edu.au/arboretum/] ,University of Adelaide ,Adelaide ,Australia Nurseries
North America
*Wild Thyme Farm [http://sonic.net/~wildfarm/ripcrpplant.html]
*Buckingham Nurseries,
UK , [http://www.buckingham-nurseries.co.uk/acatalog/index.html]
*Elmcroft Tree Nursery, Bradford Lane,Newent , Glos., UK.Australasia
*Established Tree Planters Pty. Ltd., Wandin, Victoria, Australia. [http://establishedtrees.com.au]
*Fleming's Nursery [http://www.flemings.com.au/] ,Monbulk , Victoria,Australia References
External links
*http://redwood.mortonarb.org/PageBuilder?cid=2&qid= Morton Arboretum Catalogue 2006
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.