59th Division (People's Republic of China)

59th Division (People's Republic of China)

command structure
name=59th Division
parent=20th Army
subordinate=175th Regiment
176th Regiment
177th Regiment


The 59th Division was a military formation of the People's Volunteer Army (Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) or Chinese Communist Forces (CCF)) during the Korean War. They were a component of the 20th Army, consisting of the 175th, 176th, and 177th Regiments. [ [http://www.army.mil/cmh/books/korea/ebb/ch3.htm Mossman, Billy C. "Ebb and FlowNovember 1950-July 1951", pg 55] ]

The 59th Division attacked Fox Company, 7th Marines north of Sinhung-ni at Toktong Pass during the Battle of Chosin Reservoir. [ [http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/brochures/kw-chinter/chinter.htm The Korean War: The Chinese Intervention, pg 17] ] Underestimating U.S air and artillery power, the 59th Division suffered over 1,000 killed in its attempt to dislodge Fox Company from its position, while inflicting only 182 casualties. [ [http://www.combatleadership.com/Interviews_Story.asp?InterviewID=251 Captain W. E. Barber, Commander, Fox Company,7th Marines at the Toktong Pass] ]

The unit was disbanded in 1985. [ [http://www.china-defense.com/orbat/pla_orbat/pla_orbat_32.html PLA Order of Battle, Disbanded Divisions] ]


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