- Pretracheal fascia
Infobox Anatomy
Latin = lamina pretrachealis fasciae cervicalis
GraySubject = 111
GrayPage = 390
Caption = Section of the neck at about the level of the sixth cervical vertebra. Showing the arrangement of the fascia coli.
Caption2 =
Precursor =
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Artery =
Vein =
Nerve =
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DorlandsPre = l_02
DorlandsSuf = 12476593
The pretracheal fascia extends medially in front of thecarotid vessels , and assists in forming thecarotid sheath .It is continued behind the depressor muscles of the
hyoid bone , and, after enveloping thethyroid gland , is prolonged in front of the trachea to meet the corresponding layer of the opposite side.Above, it is fixed to the hyoid bone, while below it is carried downward in front of the trachea and large vessels at the root of the neck, and ultimately blends with the fibrous
pericardium .This layer is fused on either side with the
prevertebral fascia , and with it completes the compartment containing thelarynx and trachea, thethyroid gland , and thepharynx andesophagus .ee also
fascia External links
* [http://iris3.med.tufts.edu/headneck/sagital.htm Sagittal Section Showing Deep Cervical Fascial Layers]
* [http://iris3.med.tufts.edu/headneck/infrl.htm Infrahyoid Cross-Section Showing Layers of Deep Cervical Fascia]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.