Richard Konkolski

Richard Konkolski

Richard Konkolski, Czech-American around-the-world sailor, born July 6, 1943 in Oderberg, Nazi Germany (now Bohumín, Czech Republic), naturalized US citizen since 1994.

Racing Activities

1986/87 BOC Singlehanded Race Around the World.

This was the second time he participated in this race. This international competition had 25 entries from 11 countries. The course was almost convert|28000|nmi|km|-3 long from Newport, RI to Cape Town, South Africa to Sydney, Australia to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and back to Newport. He was the only competitor to take part in the same old boat, which was the shortest (slower) on waterline and second heaviest in the whole fleet. Konkolski had no sponsorship and of course limited equipment and limited funds, but he finished fifth, cutting 41 days from his previous solo circumnavigation time, and improved all five of his world sailing records. Finishing the race, he was the first man to do real solo circumnavigation three times and the first Czechoslovakian to solo circumnavigate the globe around all southernmost capes.

1982/83 BOC Singlehanded Race Around the World

This race covered convert|28975|nmi|km|0 in four legs from Newport to Cape Town to Sydney to Rio de Janeiro and back to Newport. He finished 3rd in his class with actual elapsed sailing time of 203 days, 2 hours and 1 minute (better than the winner's time). He was also the Class 2 winner of two legs. However, an injury delayed his start from Cape Town by five days and a capsize in Southern Ocean that forced me to stop in Perth, deprived him of the first place. During the race he did 5 world sailing records. Konkolski become the second man to circumnavigate the world solo twice in both directions and the first European to do so.

1980 Observer Single-Handed Transatlantic Race.

This race covered more than three thousand miles from Plymouth, England to Newport, Rhode Island. The fleet was comprised of 90 entrants in three divisions. Unusual weather favored the multihulls and the first five boats to finish were trimarans. Konkolski's monohull finished 9th overall and 4th in her class of 46 boats. His crossing time of 21 days and 6 hours surpassed any monohull record in any previous singlehanded race across the Atlantic.

1979 Parmelia Race

This race was held in memory of the historical voyage of the ship Parmelia that first brought European colonist to Australia in 1829. The race covered the distance from Plymouth, England to Perth, Australia with a stop at Cape Town, South Africa. In spite of problems with rigging and steering on a brand new boat, he made 4th best-corrected time. His whole crew from Czechoslovakia was ocean racing for the first time in their life.

1977 Baltic Solo Race

This is an international race organized by the Polish Yachting Association. Konkolski finished fourth on the chartered Polish yacht POLONEZ.


[] Biography

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