

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Wappen = Wappen_Piding.pnglat_deg = 47 |lat_min = 46 | lat_sec=0
lon_deg = 12 |lon_min = 55 | lon_sec=0
Lageplan = Piding_in_BGL.pngBundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Oberbayern
Landkreis = Berchtesgadener Land
Höhe = 455
Fläche = 17.55
Einwohner = 5332
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 8344883451
Vorwahl = 08651
Kfz = BGL
Gemeindeschlüssel = 09 1 72 128
Adresse = Thomastraße 2
83451 Piding
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Valentin Reichenberger
Partei = FWG

Piding is an approved climatic spa in Bavaria near to the border of Austria close to Bad Reichenhall and Freilassing.


Geographical position

Piding is located in the middle of the "Landkreis" Berchtesgadener Land.

The municipal area corresponds to a natural expanse: It is bounded by the mountains Hochstaufen (1771 m) and Fuderheuberg (1.350 m) in the South, by the river Saalach in the East and by the hill Högl in the North-West. In the North-East the Saalach shapes the borderline to Salzburg (Austria).

Districts and Neighbours

The districts are Piding, Kleinhögl, Bichlbruck, Urwies, Mauthausen, Staufenbrücke and Pidingerau.

Immediate neighbours are the town Bad Reichenhall and the municipalities Ainring and Anger.


Archaeological troves shows, that the region was already populated in the New Stone Age (about 2800 B.C.). During the construction of the (former) ski-lift at the Fuderheuberg in 1970 copper bars from the Bronze Age were found.


The Catholic parish "Maria Geburt" (birth of Mary) is responsible for this churches:
* parish church Maria Geburt (Piding)
* St. Laurentius (Mauthausen)
* St. Johannes at Johannishögl (no regular masses)

Development of population

1790: 635 inhabitants, 1910: 864, 1946: 1.540, 1985: 3.996, 2000: 5.093, 2002: 5.257.

Coat of arms

The municipal coat of arms from 1962 refers to the former relations to arch-monastery and chapter Salzburg (black lion's head) and to the monastery Höglwörth (cross-over silver keys).


Municipal council

*CSU 7 seats(Andreas Argstatter, Heinz Bender, Hannes Holzner, Gerhard Rotter, Werner Seichter, Wolfgang Strasser, Johann Utz)
*SPD 2 seats (Christa Kickner, Roman Niederberger)
*Greens 1 seat (Barbara Wendt)
*FWG 10 seats (Georg Dufter, Rosa Eder, Franz Geigl, Jochen Grimm, Erwin Haiker, Hartmut Heger, Peter Kleinert, Walter Pfannerstill, Andreas Reichenberger, Georg Wieser)


First (governing) mayor is Valentin Reichenberger (FWG), second mayor Heinz Bender (CSU) and third mayor Franz Geigl (FWG).

Culture and sights


*Club for the preservation of traditional costumes, "D'Staufenecker"
*Traditional band


*Schloss Staufeneck


*tennis hall, tennis courts
*50 km hiking trails, 12 km cross-country ski runs (tracked)
*Pidinger Klettersteig (fixed rope route) to the Hochstaufen
*Football ground

Economy and infrastructure

Resident Companies

*Autohaus Bachfrieder (car dealer)
*Behindertenwerkstätte (workshop for handicapped people)
*Milchwerke Berchtesgadener Land (dairy)
*Stahl- und Metallbau Heinz Bender KG (metal constructions)
*Eurimpharm (pharmacy)


Next to Piding is the last exit of the motorway A 8 (Munich-Salzburg) in front of the border to Austria. The federal road B 20 (Berchtesgaden-Oberpfalz) is tangent to Piding. Piding has its own railway station at the railway line Freilassing-Berchtesgaden.


*Primary and secondary school
*Rupertusschule (school for handicapped persons)


Honorary citizens

*Max Wieser: former mayor


*Max Wieser: Pidinger Heimatbuch, 1250 Jahre Piding - Verlag Plenk, Berchtesgaden 1985

External links

* [ Official website]
* [ Tourism website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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