- BBC Sky at Night
"BBC Sky at Night magazine" is a British monthly magazine about
astronomy aimed at amateur astronomers and published by BBC Magazines Bristol. The title of the periodical derives for the likenamedTelevision program produced by theBBC , "The Sky at Night ". The magazine, in comparison with the TV series, includes more technical and scientific information. It also includes a bonus CD-ROM with software programs, latest astronomical photographs, written materials and in some issues, a 'classic' episode of "The Sky at Night" from the BBC archives.About "BBC Sky at Night"
*Launched: 2005
*Frequency: 12 issues / year
*Price: £4.25
*Editor: Graham Southorn
*Publisher: Andrew DaviesA brief history
*"BBC Sky at Night" was first launched in June 2005. The first issue, which featured Patrick Moore on the cover and included a copy of Patrick's Moon map as a free gift, sold out and back issues are no longer available. Copies of Issue 1 have since sold for over £100 on eBay.
*In April 2007 the magazine celebrated the 50th anniversary ofThe Sky at Night on BBC TV with a specially-themed issue, which was produced in two different covers.Regular content
*Coverdisc - free monthly CD-ROM with additional content and freeware astronomical software.
*The sky in [month] - 12-page monthly pull-out stargazing guide written by British astrophotographer Pete Lawrence, with breakdowns of what can be seen with the naked eye, through binoculars, and with small and large telescopes in the coming month. (Can be read with a red light torch).
*The Universe according to Patrick Moore - editorial from the Editor Emeritus.
*Editor's letter - editorial.
*Eye on the Sky (new views on space) - new photographs from professional telescopes such as Hubble, Spitzer and Chandra.
*News - news and announcements regarding astronomy.
*Inbox - emails from readers (with a prize for the best).
*Hotshots - astronomical photographs sent in by readers (with a prize for the best).
*Fame File - biography of a significant historical astronomer.
*Beginners' Guide - a monthly 'lesson' for beginners in astronomy from Anton Vamplew.
*How To - tips and 'secrets' or how to build a piece of equipment for yourself.
*On location - site of special astronomical interest.
*Astro Answers - experts' answers to readers' questions on stars, planets, cosmology, observing, imaging and equipment.
*Reviews - on all types of equipment to do with astronomy and sky observation, and a group-test of several brands of the same type of commonly used equipment.
*What's On - list the best of British observing and astronomy events broken down by region.
*Books - more reviews, this time of newly released books (and sometimes software/DVDs
*Night Life - interview with professional astronomers, astronauts and celebrity astronomersPlus lots of feature articles on the newest discoveries and theories in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology.
Editorial advisors
Patrick Moore and Chris Lintott are editorial advisors, serving as Editor Emeritus and Contributing Editor respectively.
External links
* [http://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/default.asp BBC Sky at Night magazine]
* [http://forum.skyatnightmagazine.com BBC Sky at Night magazine forum]
* [http://www.bbcmagazinesbristol.com/ BBC Magazines Bristol]
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/spaceguide/skyatnight/ The Sky at Night TV programme homepage]
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