A One Man Show

A One Man Show

name = A One Man Show

director = Jean-Paul Goude
writer =
starring = Grace Jones
distributor = Universal Pictures
released = 1982
runtime = 47 min
language= English

"A One Man Show" is a critically acclaimed music documentary featuring American singer Grace Jones, filmed in 1981-1982. The film was first released in 1982 to promote the album "Living My Life" and was re-issued on VHS and laserdisc by Island Records, PolyGram and Spectrum Music through the 1980s and early 1990s. It was also re-released under the title "State of Grace", then also including the promo video to the 1985 track "Slave to the Rhythm". "A One Man Show" remains unreleased on DVD.

The video version partly captures live performances of Jones' "A One Man Show" tour which was filmed in Drury Lane Theatre in London and in New York City in 1981, such as "Walking in the Rain", "La Vie en Rose" and "Warm Leatherette", combined with studio footage and tracks like "Living My Life" and "I've Seen That Face Before" in effect being early music videos, directed by Jean-Paul Goude. The show's intro is a photo montage of some the most famous images of Jones, including the "tiger in a cage" portrait and the "nude twin" photo.

Re-release on DVD

In early 2006 Universal Pictures' subsidiary Spectrum announced that "A One Man Show" was to be re-released on DVD. Still, a DVD has not come to pass.

et list

# "Warm Leatherette"
# "Walking in the Rain"
# "Feel Up"
# "La Vie en Rose"
# "Demolition Man"
# "Pull Up to the Bumper"
# "Private Life"
# "My Jamaican Guy"
# "Living My Life"
# "I've Seen That Face Before (Libertango)"


* [http://www.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=1:20422 All Movie Guide entry]
* [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005063/ IMDB entry]

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