Kiees and Berun

Kiees and Berun

nihongo|Kiees|キース and nihongo|Berun|ベルン are two fictional characters in "Zatch Bell!", known in Japan as "Konjiki no Gash Bell!", a manga series created by Makoto Raiku. They are voiced by Kenyu Horiuchi and Satoshi Taki, respectively. The characters are antagonists in the story, and members of the Faudo cult.


Kiees is one of the most eccentric mamodo seen in the series. Like all the competitors is the current battle, he is young, although he smokes a cigar and has a low voice. He often makes his entrances singing a gibberish version of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ode to Joy (while normally being blasted halfway through the song) and is also quite proud of it as he has a comical singing contest with Kanchome and Folgore's "Iron Man Folgore" song. He carries a walking stick that doubles as a baton, which he tends to wave about randomly while he sings. He is loyal to Riou, and assists in the former's plot to raise the giant mamodo Faudo, contributing his powerful Dioga Ginisudon spell to the effort to break Faudo's lock. Kiees' most distinctive features are his arms, which are on springs. He can use these to ram his fists forward in a powerful punch, as well as to propel himself forward. He has a rivalry with Zatch Bell's on-again-off-again ally Vincent Bari.


Like most of the Faudo arc bookkeepers, not much is known about Berun. He wears a red ball on his nose, similar to a clown, although when he is happy, it opens up into a flower. He may also be a filmmaker, as he has been seen making a documentary in the desert ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 118 ] , carrying a clapperboard, and shouting "ACTION!" at seemingly random intervals ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 144 ] .

Part in story

As with many Faudo arc characters, Kiees and Berun's role greatly differs between the anime and the manga.


Shortly after the lock on Faudo is broken, Riou and his partner Banikis are defeated by Zeno and Dufort, who Kiees promptly switches his allegiance to ["Konjiki no Gash!!" manga chapter 219 ] . He seals the deal by accepting a power boost from Faudo, changing him into a taller and stronger form. Stationed on the third level of Faudo's neck, he was the final guardian of the Main Control Room in Faudo's brain. He begins his inevitable fight with Zatch's group by unleashing a cerberus-like body part of Faudo's, called Degosumia ["Konjiki no Gash!!" manga chapter 238 ] . What Kiees did not plan on was the arrival of his old enemy Bari (who, it was revealed, used to beat Kiees up when they were in school) ["Konjiki no Gash!!" manga chapter 239 ] , who destroys Degosumia in one hit and proceeds to face down Kiees himself.

Kiees realizes that he has no chance against Bari, and tells Berun to kill himself so Faudo could convert the parts of his body into power for Kiees. Berun is reasonably hesitant, but in the end settles on offering Faudo some of his nose hair, which upgrades Kiees to an armored form complete with laser-shooting satellites. However, Bari is still far stronger, and uses his ultimate spell, Dioga Zonisudon, to destroy Kiees' armor and burn his book ["Konjiki no Gash!!" manga chapter 240 ] . As Kiees disappears, he activates a torrent of lasers to block the door to the next room, which Bari ultimately sacrifices himself to get everyone through ["Konjiki no Gash!!" manga chapter 241 ] .

Berun is seen one last time when he is evacuated out of Faudo and witnesses the giant mamodo's defeat at the hands of Zatch, Kiyo, Brago, and Sherry ["Konjiki no Gash!!" manga chapter 275 ] .


Kiees's part is significantly simplified in the anime as opposed to the manga. In the anime, he also keeps watch on the third level of Faudo's neck but he does not get an upgrade nor does he report to Zeno, as Riou is defeated much later in the anime than the manga. The room he is stationed in is also very different. The main teams that battle him are Kanchome and Parco Folgore and Momon and Elle Chivas, who use their powers of trickery and illusion to keep him busy until, as in the manga, Bari and Gustav arrive ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 144 ] . Unlike in the manga, both Kiees and Bari survive, and are evacuated out of Faudo ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 150 ] .


Kiees's powers are based around the manipulation of lasers. The most basic spell of his that is seen is "Ganzu Ginisu" ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 127 ] , which he uses to shoot at the people parachuting out of Apollo's plane. Throughout his fight with Zatch and Kanchomé, he displays several other spells ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 128 ] ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 129 ] ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 130 ] , such as "Gigano Ginisu" (which creates a mass of light beams), "Amu Garuginisu", (which launches his spring-like fists), and "Gou Garuginisu" (Which causes his body to spin in an energy tornado). In the manga, he has several others; "Doruginisu" (which creates a drill around his hand), "Bāgasu Ginisugan" (which creates a large amount of ricocheting lasers) ["Konjiki no Gash!!" manga chapter 239 ] , and "Giron Ginisu" (a double shot of "Gigano Ginisu") ["Konjiki no Gash!!" manga chapter 240 ] . His strongest spell in all versions is "Dioga Ginisudon" ["Konjiki no Gash Bell!!" episode 127 ] .

ee also

*Zatch Bell!
*List of Zatch Bell! characters

External links

* [ Toei Animation's page on Kiees]
* [ A fansite page with information about Kiees]


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